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stupid question

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Yes you can. Woodpigion come to decoys

Corvids come to dead bunnies and other dead things as well as bread etc...

It is illegal to bait Magpies with shiney items, but like other corvids they like dead things and eggs.

Rabbits im pretty sure it would be near impodsible to "bait" them unless they like a specific food.

I have used flowers to bait the bunnies in my cemetery perm to great effect.

In the paddock however they wont touch the flowers!




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Dead rabbit or a squirrel makes a great bait for Magpies and Crows. But I've never once come upon a bait for rabbits. They are extremely wary and a lot smarter than they look.


However.... :hmm: I once read of a chap who bought some quite realistic 'plastic' rabbits that were being sold in a garden centre as decorations for the garden (?) Apparently he used these to bring rabbits out into the open on his permission and into range.... :hmm:


Of course, it could be his permission was running wild with them in the first place! :thumbs:

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