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Ferrets got Pneumonia

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My best and favourite ferret has pneumonia i think. She can hardly breathe and doesnt seem to have the strength to eat, shes so thin. Brought her in last night when i noticed and made her comfy as i thought she was on her way out, but is still here now, in the house. Managed to get a little milk, fish, and kidney into her, but not much as she sicks it up. If she is still alive in the morning i will try to maybe get some anti biotics from the vet, i dont know if that might work. Not sure she will make it though, and im absolutly gutted, one of the best ferrets ive had, bolted silly numbers of bunnys all over the country. :cray: :cray: :cray:

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Hello all!   Well, i think (and im probably cursing myself here) that she is going to make it. She has perked right up, comes out of the box herself, has started using the water bottle and will have

Hello all.   Thanks for all the kind words, she is still with us, and has got a half decent appetite back, and i'm no longer syringing fluid into her, as she will take a soup of the critical care fo

Just to let you know, she is alive an well. She's even fat at the moment.

Gutted for you mate.


You get kind of attatched the little stinkers after they've been with you a while dont you..?


Best taking her down the vet's and get her checked out though, as you never know, she might come round for you.


Atb ;)

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100% mate, im as attached to the ferrets as i am the dogs. Shes all ready bolted probably 100 + rabbits on her own since the start of the season. And is a proper little character. Aye, i'm really hoping she pulls through, but i dont think she will. Vets in morning if she is still here though.

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I lost one last week mate, exactly the same symptoms.... She was fine but seemed a little thin, I put extra food in, chicken wings + rabbit, but the next day she was shaky and really weak just not right... I bought her in and syringe fed her milk and egg mixed and she drank well then she slept for a day nearly, but the following night she seemed to get worse and died.... I was gutted mate, my little lad cried his eyes out and cried again at bed time ( the whole family get attached to them) she was only around 18 months old and was a good little ferret, I planned to breed off her in the future.... The rest seem fine but I'm keeping a close eye on them... My mates got 1 in the sick bay now he's been vets with it but they're not sure what it is.. Same symptoms..... Hope yours pulls through, I wouldn't hang around taking her to the vets mate, I regret not taking mine straight away, even if it meant she didn't suffer.......



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Aye, i thought she was on her way out so brought her in to make her more comfortable, but now that she is still here but a little worse, i feel bad for not taking her this morning! Shes very weak, eating anything just seems to tire her out, and when she swallows in, she spasms after a few seconds and it comes back up. :cray:

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Are you sure it's Pneumonia? Any other ferret owners in your area with similar symptoms? Could be Canine Distemper. Vomiting and seizures/fits or shivering are all signs. Check for any more of the following:

  • Discharge from eyes - generally foul smelling, yellow or green
  • Swelling, rashes and thick brown crusts on the chin, lips, and nose
  • Severe lethargy
  • High fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Drooling
  • Dehydration
  • Coughing
  • Hardened, thick paw pads and swollen feet
  • Crusting and redness in the abdominal and anal areas
  • Muscular tremors
  • Seizures
  • Vomiting and diarrhea may occur, but are less common than in dogs with distemper
  • Coma

Before people troll, I know different diseases can have same symptoms, but it's worth double checking, especially if you own other ferrets/dogs or are in contact with other peoples., because ferrets are very susceptible.

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My other eight ferrets (all housed in the same court) all seem fine and healthy, which is what made me rule out CD.


Only other thought was that she got stepped on a little out ferreting last time, and wondered if she could have damaged her throat or something, but i checked her over at the time and she seemed fine.


No coughing, but she vomits back up her food.

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Ideation you need to give the ferret plenty of fluids 1 or 2 mils At a time at 30 minute intervals constantly the ferret needs to be in a warm dry area and humidify the room it's in ..... you can do this by soaking a towel and hanging it over a hot radiator but leave the end of the towel in a Bowl full of water which you need to top up whenever it runs dry ... First thing tomorrow morning get anti biotics otherwise the ferret will not make it ... I have had this a few times in the past and apart from losing the first ferret that got it the rest survived and lived long and happy lives ..............

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