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The late show

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The plan was a 2 hr trip to Falmouth and some new permission that Mick had picked up, which was crawling, or so we were told. Six o'clock last night and it was all change, Mick couldn't get hold of the lady owner and we didn't fancy a long jaunt to find for some reason we couldn't get on the land, so we decided to go local on a bit of mine up the road. I had walked it yesterday morning with the dogs and seen a few sat out along a hedgerow between 2 arable fields, the plan was to start there and end up at the bottom of the farm where the new crops are just starting to come through and I've seen a fair few when lamping over the last few weeks.

The first bit was rough...... really rough...... we netted what we could and put a couple of ferrets in..... after around 10 mins 1 had hit the purse net on the top of the hedge, this rabbit had the biggest bottom teeth i have seen, I've seen them before with this abnormalty but this was extreme.... but it was slow going..... my small hob showed and had obviously killed in.... it was to thick to really see what was going on, so we decided to move on......

We walked back to the truck and drove right to the bottom of the farm, as we pulled into the bottom fields 4 rabbits ran into the roadside hedge, this ones not really for ferreting but I think a rough night with the long nets could be productive....... we had wasted the morning by now and needed a change of fortune to bring the day around, we walked the bottom hedge while the terriers worked through it and marked well on a nice cleanish bank, we had brought around 45 purse nets with us and 8 stop nets as it was to be a day on the hedges, well what looked to be a smallish set used up all of our nets we set a stop net each end ad but a couple of jills in.... instant rumblng then a rabbit bolted from what must've been the only hole we had missed :icon_redface::censored: but then hit the ferret box with the big bull x right behind it..... but this was to be the day when nothing goes to plan and he missed with 2 strikes and the rabbit made freedom in the woods :censored::icon_redface: ....... more time wasted and it was now 1pm with only 1 rabbit in the bag..... we headed accross the field to where I had seen them at night for 1 last shot of a few.... this was another heavy hedge with all the usual favourites, bramble, nettles, hawthorn, holly and random barbed wire for good measure, but there was rabbits at home for sure both terriers marked straight away and the runs were polished this was well used, another set up and a rabbit netting itself before we had even put a ferret in.... was our luck about to change... in with the ferrets and at last they started to come out.... the bull x picked 1 up and done a little victory lap before bringing it to me and they steadily kept coming out with a couple missed but the majority caught by the dogs or nets. We only managed half of the hedge as it was getting dark and we had a few nets to pick up..... we had 10 out o this bit so 11 for the day considering our sorry start not a bad tally...... I'v got the standard Sunday night tingling hands and face and there was moments today I question this as a chosen past time but I'm looking forward to next weekend to get the ferts out already :D



nice retrieve



Welcome to the jungle





10 in photo from last hedge ( 1 in the truck from earlier)



Haloween Bunny :laugh:


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nice write up ,nice to see its not only me thats having a lean time lol,and thats one ugly fecker in the photo (the rabbit ).

its not all about big numbers as long as you enjoyed the day thats the main thing ,great to be out working the dogs and seeing the results ,great team effort...........jim

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Cheers for the replies lads


The one:

It is rough in the hedges but as always thats where they are, we just crawl in and cover what we can, the farmer asked me at the end of last season to do this bit as they realy damage the crops in the bottom half of the field, so you got to show a bit of willing.................. but I'll be some where easier next week :laugh:

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Cheers for the replies lads.



Your saying for this day was definitely true lol




You would of spent a day with a chainsaw mate lol.... The rabbit with the fang, was the ferrets tea....... I'll get the fang tomorrow and make the Missus a new necklace lol

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