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what 4x4 can tow the most weight iam looking to start working for myself fulltime again and need somthing what can tow a 3 1/2 ton ifor williams trailor ...i know a landrover can tow this but is there anything else that can tow this legally..???? cheers snoop

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MY discovery is rated to tow 3 1/2 ton and its pure easy on juice compared to other 4x4's , trust me, its the 5 cylinder model, and has plenty of torque, and not at all bouncy.......................excellent machine.

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i had a fourtrak for a while, although they are rated to pull that kind of weight they dont realy like too. i used to put 2 ton regularly on a trailer and the fortrak struggled with it. you also have to think of the stopping abilaty. when you get that kind of weight pushing you, you want something that will stop you.

nissan patrol or landcruser every time for me if i was wanting to tow that kind of weight

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hi i think a disco will pull that no probs,but if you want to pull more you have to have an airbraked trailer?.

ive pulled over 4 ton with mine ,and left the handbrake on ,only noticed when the trailer brakes caught fire lol,good job the coppers didnt see it, thought it felt abit heavy lol

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a fourtrack is rated the same as a landrover so i am told


your told wrong then mate, there is no way on this planet that a fourtrak will ever ever tow 3.5 tonne and be safe doing it, it would push you straight off the road, 110 Defender or a discovery is the only way to go, I have a few trailers at work and they are plated at 850kg, basically it allows me to put 2150 kg's on the trailer, now Plenty of people go on about the Landcruiser being the dogs danglies, but when you move vehicles up and down like I do you get to know quite quickly what cuts the mootard, the Landcruiser is grand until you really put the weight on and they too get pushed around, good piece of kit Toyota don't get me wrong but they aint the real deal when it comes to towing heavy gear.

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