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400 kills it again

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I took my air arms s400 177 out to day for a hunt.As i step a foot on my shoot i saw a squirrel on a fence post about 60 yards in front of me i new my range and how many mildot's i needed to use so i slowley opened my slip and pull the rifle out.Then i got on the floor pulled the bi-pod out aimed and WACK perfected headshot.then i sat there for a few more seconds as i have saw some pigeon's in a tree to my right about 56 yards.So again took aim Wack down it fluffed headshot.So i new this would be the right place to stay for a few hours so what i did was get the pigeon make a rod and stuck the rod though the pigeon and put it just by the tree they were sat in.About 30m in to it a pigeon landed right by the side of my decoy WACK down go a 3rd.At this stage i coulden't belive how alive it was.So then i decoyed both pigeons it diden't take long before they sarted to come in.Then 3 landed in the tree's so i aimed WACK down he goes then i had to take a quick second shoot as won was confused on where his mate has gone so Wack two more in the bag.Then the rain started to come over so i called it a day but not a bad result at all 3 pigeons and 1 squirrel pictures will follow thanks for reading

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Really fantastic shooting buddy, if you can shoot like this every time my money will stay in my pocket at the next meet if you are attending because you have the better of me. Again really good shooting and its nice to know that i'm not the only fine weather shooter.





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Hey Roger mate, you two aint the only fine weather shooters out there!. After shooting every week without fail in all weathers,for over 40 years! getting frozen, soaked, sunburned, and racking up thousands of miles, my clapped out old body has said! ENOUGH" I only go out now if its a dry day and no chance of getting soaked. the young guys who brave all weathers will be saying "Enough" as well when they reach our age!! :yes: :yes:

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