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fee foe fie fum

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after an outstanding performance of jack and the beanstalk performed by myself at bedtime complete with shadow beanstalk and cow, old darkie got to wondering what race the giant was ,i presume he wasnt english because he could smell the blood of englishmen and he wanted to grind there bones to make his bread,fee foe fie fum has a scottish ring to it so perhaps he was a scot,this got me wondering further why does every body who isnt english hate the english,im guessing its due to military and cultural oppression.im ashamed to admit my british history is very poor but im sure the answer lies in our murky past

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you just answered it lol

It's not so much as the "ENGLISH" For the most part The WORKING class English man has never be Disliked ! it's his UPPERCLASS TWAT !conterpart that is HATED!! ARROGANCE ...OVERBEARING ..Thatcher TYPE

feck me i sense a racist debate....

after an outstanding performance of jack and the beanstalk performed by myself at bedtime complete with shadow beanstalk and cow, old darkie got to wondering what race the giant was ,i presume he wasnt english because he could smell the blood of englishmen and he wanted to grind there bones to make his bread,fee foe fie fum has a scottish ring to it so perhaps he was a scot,this got me wondering further why does every body who isnt english hate the english,im guessing its due to military and cultural oppression.im ashamed to admit my british history is very poor but im sure the answer lies in our murky past

dont know what he was ,........all i know is that me mum said its a true story..........

its obvious why everyone hates the english ,........there good at every thing apart from football lol and now rugby and convicting peodaphiles lol

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It's easy to blame the empire for people's woes. They didn't like the idea english/british colonised most of the globe before they did. We got very rich and powerful through it, back to your point though. I guess it's to do with the sheer arrogance of the english( I'm referring to back in the day) but some carry that trait on today lol

You think you have the god given right to rule. Again I'm talking past tense. Back to present day if your honest most of the trouble spots in the world today are your doing. And evidently some nations hold a grudge lol as for the French they have always despised the English and vice versa. No such much the Germans even after 2 wars the English can forgive and forget. That's your good trait and envied world over, your sense of fair play I'm talking normal man on street. No those c**ts that govern us today. It's a British trait now, whether we adopted that stuff upper lip, always help the under dog out. Even if you really don't like him. Yea you English can be weird fuckers, but I think your decent lot. Maybe no such your darker ones lol

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Guest thebigdog

It's easy to blame the empire for people's woes. They didn't like the idea english/british colonised most of the globe before they did. We got very rich and powerful through it, back to your point though. I guess it's to do with the sheer arrogance of the english( I'm referring to back in the day) but some carry that trait on today lol

You think you have the god given right to rule. Again I'm talking past tense. Back to present day if your honest most of the trouble spots in the world today are your doing. And evidently some nations hold a grudge lol as for the French they have always despised the English and vice versa. No such much the Germans even after 2 wars the English can forgive and forget. That's your good trait and envied world over, your sense of fair play I'm talking normal man on street. No those c**ts that govern us today. It's a British trait now, whether we adopted that stuff upper lip, always help the under dog out. Even if you really don't like him. Yea you English can be weird fuckers, but I think your decent lot. Maybe no such your darker ones lol


jesus, "because they're c**ts" would have done :laugh:

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It's easy to blame the empire for people's woes. They didn't like the idea english/british colonised most of the globe before they did. We got very rich and powerful through it, back to your point though. I guess it's to do with the sheer arrogance of the english( I'm referring to back in the day) but some carry that trait on today lol

You think you have the god given right to rule. Again I'm talking past tense. Back to present day if your honest most of the trouble spots in the world today are your doing. And evidently some nations hold a grudge lol as for the French they have always despised the English and vice versa. No such much the Germans even after 2 wars the English can forgive and forget. That's your good trait and envied world over, your sense of fair play I'm talking normal man on street. No those c**ts that govern us today. It's a British trait now, whether we adopted that stuff upper lip, always help the under dog out. Even if you really don't like him. Yea you English can be weird fuckers, but I think your decent lot. Maybe no such your darker ones lol


jesus, "because they're c**ts" would have done :laugh:

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i think you sum it there with the word" sheer arrogance" scot hunter but i would only relate that to the english upper classes ,aristocracy and royalty.At the time of the highland clearances and the irish famine and the outlawing of the welsh language ect ,there were english working class people in the slums of london ,gloucester bristol ect starving to death

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Guest thebigdog

found this on wiki



The origin of Jack and the Beanstalk is unclear. However, Sir Francis Palgrave once wrote that it was most likely that the tale arrived with the Viking boats.[clarification needed] The earliest printed edition which has survived is the 1807 book The History of Jack and the Bean Stalk, printed by Benjamin Tabart, although the story was already in existence sometime before this, as a burlesque of the story entitledThe Story of Jack Spriggins and the Enchanted Bean was included in the 1734 second edition of Round About Our Coal-Fire.

In the classic version of the tale, the giant is unnamed, but many plays based on the story name him as Blunderbore; a giant of that name also appears in Jack the Giant Killer.

The giant's "Fee! Fie! Foe! Fum!" was included in William Shakespeare's King Lear.[5]



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Well that's what I was meaning mate. No such much these days. You want a perfect example of it. Look at the Somme and pachendale. Upper class Arrogant idiots from a by gone era where commissions could be bought. At the cost of millions dead.

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