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Bad conditions last night

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Had a look out last night with Tara and Penny - by the time we got to our permission the conditions had got pretty bad so we only ended up doing a couple of fields. Tara got 3 and Penny had 2 but the hailstones started to pelt us so we had to head home.






We passed a lot of cars stranded on our way home, so we're glad we set off home when we did!!




We haven't had the best of nights lately so we've just been getting the dogs out to keep them fit. A couple more pics from last week:





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going for a look out tonight, i remember a night last year that you could not look up as the snow was hiting you in the eyes that hard, ma bitch was even trying her best to use me for shelter as we crossed feilds managed 2 and then f****d off home asking my self is this what u call fun!!

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