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no f*****g way

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I have lost a call bird once the only thing was he didnt realize I had the shottie with me. He didnt get far.

One of the students that used to work with me let one out one day when we were rond feeding the call birds and checking the larsons the stupid bugger clipped both wings so it fluttered off and landed away out the hill. No f**king rifle, thought Shit thats all I need he will never come back now. Well I went up the following morning at first light and the silly f**ker was in the larsen again thank f**k.


Regards highlander

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Guest The Big Fish


AH...but perhaps the call birds are "captive bred ones ;) " and not "Wild".......then things would, perhaps, be ok. ;)


That could well be a different matter, but I’m sure most magpie trappers catch their call bird from the wild, well at least the ones that are proficient at it and don’t have to rely on 'captive' bred ones :laugh:


Errrm...i know the score BF...... :blink:


I was pulling your plonker :laugh:


but i thought it better to mention this for the benefit of the "Anti's" that quote from our site... otherwise i am sure we would be quoted for clipping wild birds wings etc.... ;) which we would never do, obviously.


Doesnt matter what we do, think or say, the antis will twist things around until it fits snugly into their bed of lies and misinformation.

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