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no f*****g way

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yup :oops: i got 2 in the larson pritty soon after setting it. great i though one for my mates call bird and another for another forum member who was after one. i texted the fella that i had one for him and got one bird into the onion sack ready to go off. then the next one was a right moody bugger. all puffed up and squaking. so we got it out, my mate put it in the cat carrying box but never closed the door on it so it came right out and flew off :duh: he blames me i blame him but does it matter. anyway luckily i got another a few days later and this did for his call bird then.

as you say funny looking back but it wasnt then :cheers:

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yup :oops: i got 2 in the larson pritty soon after setting it. great i though one for my mates call bird and another for another forum member who was after one. i texted the fella that i had one for him and got one bird into the onion sack ready to go off. then the next one was a right moody bugger. all puffed up and squaking. so we got it out, my mate put it in the cat carrying box but never closed the door on it so it came right out and flew off :duh: he blames me i blame him but does it matter. anyway luckily i got another a few days later and this did for his call bird then.

as you say funny looking back but it wasnt then :cheers:

ithink most of us have lost one.i allways clip a wing as soon as i catch them now.

they can still run like hell :yes:

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Guest little_lloyd

Clip your call birds wings :yes: That way if any do-gooders ever come across your trap and relisease your call bird you can hopefully get it back :)


Sorry to here about that maggy beagles hope you get him someday :tongue2:

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Guest The Big Fish

I used to clip my call birds, but that was a good few years ago now. I would check up on the legality of clipping wild birds wings if i was you.

Im not 100% sure and dont have the time to find out, right now, but i think you could find yourselves in some bother, if the wrong person found a clipped bird.


Better to be safe than sorry!

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I used to clip my call birds, but that was a good few years ago now. I would check up on the legality of clipping wild birds wings if i was you.

Im not 100% sure and dont have the time to find out, right now, but i think you could find yourselves in some bother, if the wrong person found a clipped bird.


Better to be safe than sorry!

yes your right it is better to be safe then sorry ;)

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I used to clip my call birds, but that was a good few years ago now. I would check up on the legality of clipping wild birds wings if i was you.

Im not 100% sure and dont have the time to find out, right now, but i think you could find yourselves in some bother, if the wrong person found a clipped bird.


Better to be safe than sorry!

yes your right it is better to be safe then sorry ;)

AH...but perhaps the call birds are "captive bred ones ;) " and not "Wild".......then things would, perhaps, be ok. ;)

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Guest little_lloyd

I used to clip my call birds, but that was a good few years ago now. I would check up on the legality of clipping wild birds wings if i was you.

Im not 100% sure and dont have the time to find out, right now, but i think you could find yourselves in some bother, if the wrong person found a clipped bird.


Better to be safe than sorry!

yes your right it is better to be safe then sorry ;)

AH...but perhaps the call birds are "captive bred ones ;) " and not "Wild".......then things would, perhaps, be ok. ;)


Exactly ;)

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Guest The Big Fish
AH...but perhaps the call birds are "captive bred ones ;) " and not "Wild".......then things would, perhaps, be ok. ;)


That could well be a different matter, but I’m sure most magpie trappers catch their call bird from the wild, well at least the ones that are proficient at it and don’t have to rely on 'captive' bred ones :laugh:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
do they not have to have a ring on there leg's?



:hmm: Interestingly, from my own one time dallyance with British Bird ~ and other things ~ keeping; I'm given to believe that the " ABCR " rule only applies to the Sale of such birds.


As any bird breeder - who rings - will tell ye; The little shits Do tend to sometimes kick off a ring, just in time to grow that bit more over night and so prevent ye ever getting it back on again.


Now; Would the RSPB bods reading this with such close attention like to appear as whitnesses in a british court of law and demand John Doe kill such odd chicks from his otherwise showably legal brood? That would be fun to see! (Of course, their time shown answer is to simply let any such birds go during the process of their initial 'raid' ! :rolleyes:)


As regards maggie's, ringed or un ringed; There most certainly used to be a british law regarding the harbouring of certain species. I'm frankly not willing to provide any of the attentive idiots with further food for thought. But nor have I ever yet heard of a sucssessful prosecution brought over the matter. This all harking back to the days of MAFF, by the way. What Death Wish now make of it all, god only knows.

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AH...but perhaps the call birds are "captive bred ones ;) " and not "Wild".......then things would, perhaps, be ok. ;)


That could well be a different matter, but I’m sure most magpie trappers catch their call bird from the wild, well at least the ones that are proficient at it and don’t have to rely on 'captive' bred ones :laugh:

Errrm...i know the score BF...... :blink: having used Larsons for 15 years +, but i thought it better to mention this for the benefit of the "Anti's" that quote from our site... otherwise i am sure we would be quoted for clipping wild birds wings etc.... ;) which we would never do, obviously.


No a captive bred corvid DOESNT have to be rung at all. Unless you want to sell or show it.. ;)

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