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Permission for Youngster

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Dont think many people will trust you at that age mate. was hard for us getting permission.


Tell them your respectfull and responsible. you could offer to demonstrate a target test shoot infront of them.. aka put up a paper targey 30 yards away and shoot 5-10 shots to show them your getting good accuracy and wont be missing all the time and putting holes in stuff.

No offence intended mate just saying :)

Oh and good luck. oh yeah main thing. be polite and well mannered. try nt to swear either lol

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Ask some of the lads if you can tag along with them so you can learn how to respect the land and learn how to respect shooting and then you can ask some farmers for permision armed with the knowlage of hunting and not just a daft teenager with a air rifle i may take you out with us but will have to ask my shooting partner if its ok atvbmac

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Great advices from the good lads here. It's you young age that does stand against you I'm afraid Hunterboy. People really do judge us by the impression we make on first aquaintance, right or wrong. but, persistence is a powerful ally. Keep trying, look smart, as in clean and casual, no hoodie tops, chewing gum, no chav car thief white/Burberry reversed baseball caps; but, well presented and show yourself as a responsible lad who respects his priviledges and won't leave gates open, litter left about the fields and the fences and gate posts left peppered in pellet holes!


Be attentive and let the landowner do the talking. He will probably have had enough of shooters buggering up the land before. But if you hold your ground and show him what having you on the land is an asset to him, well, that changes all but the most closed of minds. If you can join up with a shoot or a group of lads with permissions, that will help you greatly towards getting a permission of your own.


Best of luck and keep us posted how you get on.



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get some insurance behind you too. just to be on the safe side, and just incase a landowner says "no i had some pratt putting windows through it cost me a fortune" , you can tell him that your a confident shooter, and wouldnt risk loosing the repect off him, and that if an accident did ever occure he wouldnt be footing the bill. try to make conversation with the land owner before asking straight in there. First impression is the best, i turned up to a recently aquired golf course with a plastic slip in folder and pen, copy of my insurance, and if you have a look on here davy has posted up a PDF permission slip and liabilty forms, he seen me take it all out, he was smiling ear to ear and said "excellent" so first impression showing them youve got everything under control and that youve thought of everything before he has to ask. (thanks davy , lol) take a look , where abouts in the country are you? Atb and Good luck

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