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PM lab, he's ginger so he'll be grateful for any friends he can get :thumbs:

You cant be serious....still going with the ginger thing eh....ffs!!... :laugh:
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I've looked at a few profiles and most people seem to have a lot of "friends". I've only got a few, but don't want to ask anyone for fear of looking gay. I'm fed up with looking like Nobby no-mates.

Mate he is on my Facebook page and i recieved a message from him saying how upset he was to discover that i wasn't fat or ginger. However i have seen a picture of Rob now and i can confirm you would N

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Due to the overwhelming response to this, there is now a bit of a backlog. Could anyone else wishing to be on my friends list please p.m. me. After a short vetting procedure, if you meet the stringent criteria, you will be added within 5 working days. :laugh:


Go f**k yourself lol

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I've looked at a few profiles and most people seem to have a lot of "friends". I've only got a few, but don't want to ask anyone for fear of looking gay. I'm fed up with looking like Nobby no-mates. :cray: Who wants to be my friend? :laugh:



Get a dog, unconditional love and they dont judge you, no matter what colour your hair :D


they will always be your friend :thumbs::laugh:

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Labs dogs hate him

Just cause yours loves you cause it gets to lie on the f*****g couch........bet its even got a side of the bed ya plonker.... :D
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Lol he will be looking for a pic as a comeback to you rob

Mate he is on my Facebook page and i recieved a message from him saying how upset he was to discover that i wasn't fat or ginger. However i have seen a picture of Rob now and i can confirm you would NOT like to rescue him from a burning building...lol

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Lol he will be looking for a pic as a comeback to you rob

Mate he is on my Facebook page and i recieved a message from him saying how upset he was to discover that i wasn't fat or ginger. However i have seen a picture of Rob now and i can confirm you would NOT like to rescue him from a burning building...lol

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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