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the way the staffies really are......given a chance

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This bitch will run through a brick wall to get at any game but once home she is as soft as a brush

soppy but shows the possibilities if they are reared right.

great dogs with kids, same with pits its how you bring them up .But 1 thing i never do is the bones thing, because they should have there own space, and let have the bones with no body there to hassl

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Aww.........to be honest i have never met a bad staffie yet, not in kennels or in for a bath and nails cut when i was grooming, the ones i've met have always been lovely, one of the nastiest breeds i've ever met were dalmatians :blink: .........hate them !!

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the staff we have here is exactly the same,a big dopey softie,but if a dog pushes his luck too much he has a serious side too,but not extreme by any means.he sleeps up on the chairs and anywhere he likes.their a great family dog and always were.

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They have great temperaments same as pitbulls just mis understood I've a pit bitch here at min and in the week I get her some brisket bones Me or the kids can rub her as she is crunching away and even take the bones off her and not a sound tail wagging away yet we have a jap spitz in the house and kids can't go near her when she is eating she gets nasty I really love pits I just tink people run them down and dislike them because of a bad few and the press hate they get most little yappy dogs such as poms spits and some small terriers wud bite a child far quicker than a staff or pit

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yet we have a jap spitz in the house and kids can't go near her when she is eating she gets nasty

f**k that wouldnt keep a nasty dog about me I or any human can put there hands in my dogs bowl while its eating or take bones no probs. Growl once make sure it doesnt do it again

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Well I have decided that when I am without a dog I will get an English bull terrier , Love my greys but I miss having the feeling of security i got when my little terrier was here , having had a staffy cross for 13 years & enjoyed every moment of having her I wouldn't hesitate to get one again . but i would like an English bull so thats what I will do

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