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pointer x spanial

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Don't see the point of them tbh , your not garunteed that you will get the best of both breeds . If I wanted a dog to point and bush I'd get a Brittany :thumbs:

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A gwp will bush too if allowed to ( even very thick cover)


A wee terrier would be my choice for bushing, if I didn't want a dog which can go to ground then a cocker or a springer


The best of luck whichever you choose bud.




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I reckon the cross would work, and with determination. But surely for thick cover you want to keep size down, a springer or cocker would probably out perform anything bigger. But Ive owned and seen some cracking terrier/spaniels, a bit different to a spaniel workwise, as they will follow a line further, but not miles, and may give tounge freely on hot scent. Id like to see one though, so keep us posted if you go down that road. Cheers

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i've only seen two pictures of a GWP x springer, one looked just like a tiny GWP, and the other looked like a springer but with a GWP shaped head and "beard". liked the look of both, and those PointerLabs are hellish good dogs, know a keeper who had one that worked well till it was 13!!

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