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Dog Did A Runner

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any phill k--the dog doesn't need any home work it does exactly as she's told ,,she's very head strong as you know,,,me and the dog both get on fine,,,like as said to milliet ive got all the faith in this dog thats why i've hung on to her this long,,alb

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OYAMA---i had a dog like that wonse -out mushroom picking ,took no notice of the dog looked up couldn't find her spent a few hours walking around the fields and woods no sign of her,,got back to my x wifes gaff the bloody thing was asleep on her harf ,,beddie x whippet,,mind sold it 3 times ,it just made its way back home--it ended up in london,never heard of it again....alb mate ..

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  On 25/10/2012 at 17:53, alan.rob said:

​took my 12 month old lurcher out tuesday night for a walk ,got back to the lane by my gaff and let her of , which i usually do,she totally ignored me and went of in the opposite direction ,i followed her ,she was moochin about ,still would not come back on the call ,,i sat on a fence waiting to catch sight of her,to no joy...by 6 o'clock in the morning i'd had enough , thought f**k the dog,let me tell you i wasn't very happy .9 o'clock the same morning i get a phone call from a friend up the road saying my dogs asleep on his settee ,so off i go to fetch her ,,jesus she stunk to high heaven and was knackered..... she slept for 3 parts of the day !.took her out wednesday afternoon ,she did exactly as she was told,as soon as she started fekin about she was strait back on the leash...so last night i took her out on the lamp ,she was a different dog altogether,,there was nothing about but gave her a run anyway,she was straight back the first time on the call....DOG'S -talk about try your patience ... :angry2: .


Had a similar thing happen when may salxgrey x whipxgrey was about 10 months. I was out walking the 5 dogs and for some reason He decided to run , luckily he ran home, but I was shitting it. I then started taking him out on his own one on one and all was forgotten until one night when we went lamping, he'd had a couple of runs and catches then I slipped him and he flecked off . I spent 4 hours looking for him then lost me rag and went home thinking he's gone and I honestly didn't think I'd see him again. My Mrs was going nuts and rang every shelter, dogs home in the district. I got a phone call from a vets saying they had him he was found asleep under a bird table after eating all the bird food, but from that day too now he doesn't leave my side but its always in the back of my mind that he'll do it again because there was no reason.



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john rust---i know what you mean about it all ways been in the back of your mind ,it takes a lot of time effort and input - Never mind people telling you about the dog gaing you're trust,,,,its you trusting the feckin dog......Talk about head games...................ATB mate....

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