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Need help getting permission!

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Hey, i was wondering whats the best way to get shooting permission? i have only just turned 18 and cant see many farmers willing to trust someone my age ( steriotypes ) ... I do have one place where i have permission but there are no rabbits or hardly any animals there (its 2 small fields) and i only got that permission as one of my parents knew the owner. Im from northamptonshire and any help would be really appreciated.





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  On 25/10/2012 at 16:16, ian118118 said:

i only got that permission as one of my parents knew the owner.





That's the place to start then :yes: Name dropping seems to get results :)

Ask the landowner who he/she knows with land and ask him if he would perhapse be willing to be a referance source for you.




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aye it can be hard for us young uns --im 25 but look like a chavvy teen :( -- best thing you can do is sound like you know what your on about and tell them safety is your top priority when shooting. your doing them a favour sorting out vermin for nothing just be respectfull. tell them you wont cause as much damage as the vermin are I.E. you wont break walls and fences down by climbing them etc.


also get some shooting insurance aswell :)


good luck mate dont give up looking you will get there in the end

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When I brought up insurance with one farmer, he looked as though he was thinking " oh god, what do you need insurance for" so try to an slip it in carefully if that makessense. Don't say I have insurance just incase I shoot cattle, cos it don't sound confident lol good luck, an do as tony said, get a referance saying your a good lad and u help around if your needed etc

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We have the same problem here in Argentina. Only bigger fields than you have, but equally hard to get permissions. Too many morons have made bad things like cutting wire fences, stealing cattle, setting fires, etc. As usual, good people pay for others sins. I always introduce myself and thank the owner, permission given or not. Ask him/her for any other landowner who might be interested in vermin control too.

What we do not have is any kind of insurance for this type of activity. Think my car and home insurance company would call police or the asylum if I ask about such a thing! Read the BASC rules, they are great!

That's why I'm here. Always learn a lot from others experiences!

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  On 25/10/2012 at 22:20, robwelsh said:

When I brought up insurance with one farmer, he looked as though he was thinking " oh god, what do you need insurance for" so try to an slip it in carefully if that makessense. Don't say I have insurance just incase I shoot cattle, cos it don't sound confident lol good luck, an do as tony said, get a referance saying your a good lad and u help around if your needed etc


Indeed, the line I use is "Although I have never needed it and dont intend on ever using it, I am insured with BASC/BASA/CA etc... Just as a precaution, and like I say, I'm a serious shooter, not someone who takes stupid, risky or dangerous shots. I am a safe, and very concientious shooter."


  On 26/10/2012 at 02:04, el barba said:

I always introduce myself and thank the owner, permission given or not. Ask him/her for any other landowner who might be interested in vermin control too.


Very valid point there El Barba :yes:




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What i did was find all the local farmers and then wrote them a letter with a envelope and a first class stamp inside asking them what i intended to do for them.I wrote to about 15 and got 4 which are good hope this helps if so share the result's atb

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hi ya pal

your not that far from me matey i green lane around your way and i am a member of the northants4x4 respose team to pal

i also run 47,000 acres estate so if you drive your more than welcome to come over and have a shoot pal

i also do marksmanship courses and i also do a lot for the ATEO the people that have been on my courses have also found it easier to gain land because they have gone the extra mile to which the feed back i have got from this has been great i also over look rentokil marksmanship course in my area as i also work for them i am not on here often as i am very busy but if you need my number by all means pm me pal


gaining land at the minute is very hard as alot of land owners are selling dayy or driven shoots at this time then they tend to keep that going all year then plus as for your ages yes you will get tired to the same brush which is not very nice but it happens if you need any advice matey just give me a pm pal and we can have a chat about things matey


all the best



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