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Started to camo the raider what do you think ? finished

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well lads it was eather rub down and reblue or paint the raider as it was in a bit of a mess as fare as the barrel was conserned and iv allways wanted to camo a rifle enyway so i went and bought some camo tape for a fiver went back and stripped the raider down and started to camo it up i was amazed at how much you can cover with just one roll. but im stuck now as i dont no wether to do the stock or not, i am going to do the scopes and loding chamber what do you all think sorry the photos are not the best atvbmac THATS IT LADS ALL DUNN








Edited by bigmac 97kt
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I'm in two minds whether to have my shroud ,scope and bottle done myself, but I had tape before an it pissed me off with it peeling away in an out of case lol so this time I was thinking about getting

Thanks skot mate, my grandson said it looks like a desert storm gun and promply went out and told his mum that granddad has a desert storm 50cal sniper rifle (I wish) kids eh , you got to love them

He,s called Eathan and he is 7 years old and he can play cod better than me lol atvbmac

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Cheers lads for your comments, Elliott i wud never get rid of mine and im not going to camo the stock :thumbs: Pagey they do look better with synthetic stocks but iv seen some nice ones with wood stocks to :thumbs: Steve iv got more than one rifle and tend to take two with me when i go shooting but i can see your point about the wether mate :thumbs: atvb to you all mac

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I'm in two minds whether to have my shroud ,scope and bottle done myself, but I had tape before an it pissed me off with it peeling away in an out of case lol so this time I was thinking about getting it dipped. There's a local place to me in Merthyr but iv heard some horror stories lol I bet if he knew I was local though he wouldn't bodge it because I'd make a bodge job of him. It does look good though mate ,nice one

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Robwelsh,i wud love to have mine dipped to but the funds wont alouw it :cray: Skot we can allways dream mate :thumbs: Rob iv hered lods of diffrent prices will have to look into it mate and will let you no mate :thumbs: Ghillies i think your right mate that will do it mate may camo the bipod :hmm: Simon i like the colour and the grain in the stock i think it wud be a shame to cover the stockbut i will do the scope there,s two places on one of my permisions where the rabbits run but if you wait they come back out i just thought if i camo,d one of my rifles that it will help conceal the rifle that little bit more day or night ATVBMAC

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Hi lads got to pick some more tape up tomorow so i will get the rest of her dun and i will get some better photos on for you all been out to night with her and she got wet with all this snow up here but at least i got one before the snow hit and stopped play could not see two foot in front of you got home with her and dryed her off and the tape is still on and not coming off up to now atvbmac :thumbs:

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