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'Take Down' Pigeon trap

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As you can imagine my 'shed' gets pretty full and so I wanted a pigeon trap that didn't take up as much room as the Larsen does.

Instead I have built two 'ends' - each with a set of bobwires, and a temporary frame that can be dismantled when not in use. I thought the detail might also be of interest to anyone else making a pigeon trap for the first time. For scale, these bobwires are 10 inches long.





In each corner of the end pieces I have nailed an empty 12b shotgun cartridge, (blue in the pics) with the opening facing inwards. These carts act as sockets for four garden supports cut down to about 70cm long. By pushing these into the sockets you end up with a rectangular frame.



The plan is then to simply stretch normal plastic garden netting over the frame to complete the cage and to hold the wooden ends securely onto the poles. I will need to devise some hooks around the wooden frame edge to hold the netting taught and worst case will fall back to chicken wire.


Field tests planned shortly :hmm:

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Guest little_lloyd

Very smart John b :victory: Personly i prefer a smaller version of one of those pyramid stick cages used for cathing up pheasants at the end of the season.


The Pidgeons have taken a big liking to my bird table eating all the seed falling from the feeders into the ditch. So for about 2 weeks now ive had my little trap working (not working at mo) its only resulted in 5 or so but seemed to me effective in stopping the little blighters from entering my garden :tongue2:


Only thing is it takes up room when in the garage along with all the other junk :laugh: I have pictures on my camera wating to be uploaded :D



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My inspiration for this was a trap posted by IVAN on another site and reposted by me in another thread.


Not sure how similar you meant, but there are some good examples pictured there, including an all wire version by BOBNETS

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

John; Those f*ckin 12 Bore cartridges and rods are surreal! :clapper: Blue Peter couldn't have done better than that!


As regards the mesh; Why not use the old staple of twilweld panals and cable ties, mate? Though ye'd want to 'hang' the base panal. Otherwise bait would fall through look and be a pole and timbers depth below the mesh.

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  Ditch_Shitter said:
John; Those f*ckin 12 Bore cartridges and rods are surreal! :clapper: Blue Peter couldn't have done better than that!


As regards the mesh; Why not use the old staple of twilweld panals and cable ties, mate? Though ye'd want to 'hang' the base panal. Otherwise bait would fall through look and be a pole and timbers depth below the mesh.



doesnt miss a trick does he ! :D

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  Ditch_Shitter said:
John; Those f*ckin 12 Bore cartridges and rods are surreal! :clapper: Blue Peter couldn't have done better than that!


As regards the mesh; Why not use the old staple of twilweld panals and cable ties, mate? Though ye'd want to 'hang' the base panal. Otherwise bait would fall through look and be a pole and timbers depth below the mesh.




Don't worry Ditch - sticky backed plastic for the base :victory:

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Inspiration !


Rooting about in the shed I found an old wire breadtray that I must have picked up from somewhere. The width is a perfect fit so having now trimmed the poles down a bit I now have the lid sorted - easy to lift off and heavy enough to stay put. What's even better is that it doubles as a packing tray to store all the bits in and the bungess that keep the bits together also keep the ends tight on the poles.


Just need to work out the sides and then see if it catches anything :laugh:


So here it is assembed with new features:




and here it is tidily packed away:




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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:clapper::clapper::clapper: I must say, John; That is looking the utter b*llocks, mate! Well done! :D


I reckon ye oughta patent that design! They'll be knocking them out on the Bay next otherwise! :laugh:

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well it's open to all comers FD :D


I know that these do work for ferals but round here we have some woodies that are fairly used to a semi urban environment. I'm baiting the roof of my shed and will see what happens.


Woodies will push their way under netting round cabbages etc so it will get deployed under the netting in the winter too.

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Great looking bit of kit there john b

As i was sitting on the bus going to work i was thinking about

your trap and i had a thought you could use a folding dog cage

with a bit of remodeling im sure it would do the trick


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