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Badger Cull Cancelled?

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I read the BBC report this morning. Are we really suprised? Same story every few years.   FFS just stick them on the general licence with a specific cull season and min caliber and let the farmers a

dont think yous are looking at the bigger picture... or maybe looking past the main point... looks to me like some BIG PHARMA company stepped in with a lot of money and just so happened to have a VACC

well dont know many farmers that want them on there ground,? they will still get thinned out 1 way or other

  On 23/10/2012 at 09:25, walshie said:

Funny how they just "discovered" the statisitics. You would think finding twice as many badgers would mean the cull was more likely, not less.


More bending over by the government.




Bending, dithering, ignorant and spineless :wallbash: .


Another 'victory' for May and his cronies.

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Get the rifles out all over the country.....they'll loose alot more. Nice threat that would be and see what they say?.... :whistling:

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Worst thing about it is that Brian May's feeling of self-importance will have gone through the roof now.


I assume as there are twice as many badgers as they thought, they will now be put on the general licence?

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I read the BBC report this morning. Are we really suprised? Same story every few years.


FFS just stick them on the general licence with a specific cull season and min caliber and let the farmers and gamekeepers deal with the problem themselves.

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Not really surprised. The trail cull in my area was called off at the 11th hour after the relevant paperwork and training had been handed out to those involved in it. Yet more millions of pounds worth of public money being wasted...

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Oh it's ok malt, they are making a fortune in all the cuts, what better use of that saving, is to have an enquiry which they won't pay any heed to, just like the cannabis enquiry.

If your business or household was feeling the pinch you would think carefully where your money was best needed. Not some pie in the sky theory,

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Says in this piece that the NFU are saying that the current plans were inhumane.. :blink:


Under the plans, badgers will be shot in the open without first being trapped in cages, which is current practice.


Opponents, including the RSPCA and the National Farmers' Union, say that is inhumane.




First I've heard of it.. :hmm:

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26,000 cattle tested positive and slaughtered last year, absolute proof that badgers carry bovine TB, it really should be a no brainer

But as usual it's a case of accountants running the asylum, the compensation to the farmers doesn't begin to cover their losses in terms of the work it takes to build

a herd but it's cheaper for the government to pay the compo rather than suffer the Simple townie folk not voting for the cuddly wuddly badgers

Paying farmers is a lot cheaper than paying Charlie Saatchi & co

We are in the EU and it would be a good application of EU law to put the badger back on the quarry list, it is legal in France, Germany, Italy, etc so why not here

Repeal that daft laws that b-liars government put into place and control the population as it requires with dogs & guns

Lets see what appears on the CLA and CA sites and then see what they are going to do about it :censored:

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