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Im looking for a new gun for abit of roost shooting aswell as something that can deal with the odd duck or goose. I really like the s200 but i dont know anything about airguns. What sort of price could i pick one up for and how much are the divers tank/stirrup pumps ? Ive been shooting with my webley eclipse and my hw90 so its gonna be a shock using a pcp.

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hi fitchet, i paid just over 350 for my s200 and an extra 60 pounds for a stirrup pump


its a lovely rifle to use and really light making it easy to carry around


the s200 will quite happily get good clean kills at 50 yards with well placed shots, so it should be fine for what you want it for.

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I've got a Mk2 S200 in .22, with a ten-shot conversion - I use it as a dedicated NV ratting rig - it's light, and small, and manoeuvrable (great when tip-toeing around a farm-yard). The light-weight is important, as by the time the NV scope, torch, IR illuminator and gubbins are attached, it adds up.


Shot count is quite low, but the plus side of this is it isn't too hard to fill with a stirrup.


Mine, with scope and pump was £320 after a bit of haggling (though I was at least the 3rd owner of this gun, and it had a few lumps and bumps). This was last Summer (2011). I've done nothing to it other than adding a brass bolt-lever... the plastic one is a bit cheap-feeling.

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