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succesful day door knocking

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Sunday went out on my travels an decided to get some more permission for the winter months. Anyway off we went an what a day, not one Dick of a farmer, all nice as pie an ended up knocking about 6-8 doors and managed to get four farms two joining one another, one two mins down the road from it and the other about ten mins from the first. It's boosted my confidence no end I can tell you. So now I'm steadily gaining more and more permission, I now have 6 in total, two local to me, four about hrs drive. I don't think il ever phone about or drop letters off again, you get a far more positive response f2f, an you can show them first hand that your not a Dick head. Good luck to anyone trying, just get knocking is the best, if you can. Atb

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Nope stealthy. I could of got straight onto the shooting while I was there, they seemed eager enough. When I go up this following weekend il have to.take a few pics , just for you ;) lol full of crows an Maggie's , they all said their a lot of squirrels about too, but not many rabbits as myxie wiped them out not long ago, but they said its happend before an in no time their back.looking forward to bash some magpies an crow's, their everywhere lol

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Nope stealthy. I could of got straight onto the shooting while I was there, they seemed eager enough. When I go up this following weekend il have to.take a few pics , just for you ;) lol full of crows an Maggie's , they all said their a lot of squirrels about too, but not many rabbits as myxie wiped them out not long ago, but they said its happend before an in no time their back.looking forward to bash some magpies an crow's, their everywhere lol


Cheers mate :D

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Nice one mate. The golf course I knocked the women was quite a frosty knickers, but I rang an explained I wanted to talk to a committee member, what a guy, a1 fairplay. Arranged to meet up on this Saturday coming. I'm over the moon because iv asked about four orfive courses to no avail. An this one is the biggest iv seen by far, and iv landed it. Aww its just a relief init haha

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Yes mate, the saying bitten off more than I can chew springs to mind. But makes a difference from shit permission to good stuff. Il probably get out a lot more now,knowing there's plenty to hit. Camping weekends will be had I know, not shy of abit of cold weather. Misses will be in her oils with me out a lot more = clean house haha

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