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goose shooting

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Hi guys i am looking for advice on goose decoying / callers any good sites would be greatly appreciated or any sound advice from more experienced wildfowlers ...........basically any good solid info on goose shooting thank you .

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First off find geese! Make sure you can get permission on the ground where they are feeding or the water close to where they are feeding (if they are walking into a field from water canadas will tend to land short and swim the last hundred yards so getting onto the water can be helpful. If you choose to decoy water for canadas place your decoys a good 60 to 80 yards upwind of your hide because they will land short, even if they dont they have to pass the hide to get to the decoys.) Watch your geese for a while see when they are coming and going and what direction the roost is in/ how far away it is (Shooting geese on or close to the roost is not a good idea, it will really unsettle them and will more then likely ruin someone elses days decoying). You will probably find that they are heading to feed in the early morning so get there well before them when you go to shoot. Some factors can effect what time they head to feed at, full moon will hold them back alot because they often stay on to feed in the moonlight and go to roost late so they just arn't hungry come morning, Fog will keep them on the roost also, but it the forecast gives a very windy wild day be sure your there in the dark of morning as they wont want to stay on the roost too long. Get yourself a few decoys and a call and get at them. Short reed calls are my preference, they take a bit of learning but if you put the time in you can learn alot more advanced calling then you will manage on a flute call. You will need a good hide as they have great eyesight. Natural vegetation is always preferable to nets (as with any decoying shine will scare the shit out of geese so cover up well) After that i don't know what else to tell you accept get out and enjoy yourself.


Heres a link for a good book if you need any more info: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Successful-Goose-Hunting-ebook/dp/B007KR6VUY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1351022029&sr=8-1


If you need any more advice on decoying them PM me. Atb Mark :thumbs:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Remi, you just at least doubled my knowledge on shooting for geese! I greatly appriciate this advice. hope to get out tomorow as the wind is up compared to the last few days. I hope to get a few more shots off compared to the last twice I have been out. only managed 1 shot as I could not find my second trigger! Damn amature!

Thanks again


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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Les

I am shooting an estuary in n/e scotland.

I am using steel shot 0's and bismuth 3's with a 1/2 choke and a 1/4 choke.

have managed to get them in close enough a couple of time's but still no joy with the geese!

I managed a couple of blue winged teal in 2 shots a few weeks back! I was extreamly impressed!

I just need to get my eye in again as it has been a few years since I have done the clays( which I was pretty good at)

I know it is totaly diferent, but getting use to my gun would help me out a fair bit I think.

Thanks again folks.

all info is good for me!


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No deffianatly not garganey. it was most likely female widgeon.

I do agree with brushing up on ID skills, don't get me wrong tho Im not someone who shoots at anything that flaps withinn 50yds of me! I would rather not take a shot than fire off 2-4 shots hoping to hit something like some people!


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No deffianatly not garganey. it was most likely female widgeon.

I do agree with brushing up on ID skills, don't get me wrong tho Im not someone who shoots at anything that flaps withinn 50yds of me! I would rather not take a shot than fire off 2-4 shots hoping to hit something like some people!



Or most likely plain old fashioned Teal :thumbs:

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