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Guest bullterrier

my first call would be your local shop most tackle shops do combo deals rod and reel rod i would go for a 12foot beachcast casting wieght about 6 to 8 oz because your just starting i would go for fixed spool reel fill the reel with say 16lb lines attached to a shockleader say 70lb but because your fishing from a pier had have say a good 20foot of shockleader so if you catch a good fish you can get the up the side of the pier tackle wise until you can make your own rigs get a few diffrent rigs and copy them have a look on youtube you;ll need some wieghts try googling used sea fishing tackle also try ebay because there could be some one local to selling up also check on line tackle shop deals its worth having a look to you will also need a rod rest but not to imported at the moment if your only fishing the pier bait wise blacklug catches whiting and cod which will be your main targets this time of year were about are you mate atb :thumbs: john

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12ft rod big reel tripod few gripper weights ,best starter rig is 1up 1down rig imho so a few of them, there good for a variety of fish, u can get a full kit of ebay with rod reel box tackle and tripod, my mate got it as he's just started does the job,and an esential bait elastic

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As well as the advice recommending good strong traditional sea stuff I would also recommend a lighter kit like a carp rod and reel and fish lighter with float rigs with quality bait close in. As long as you have a drop net this will ensure you can pull up the fish and as a bonus the drop net can be fished midwater after dark baited for prawns (as long as you have small mesh) to be used as livebait on the float.


Remember fishing the pleasure pier at Weymouth when I was at college and we would fish after dark close in by the piles using long thin strips of squid on flowing paternoster traces and would bag up with good coalfish (considered a deeper water fish) in the 2 to 5lb bracket and a dozen a session was not uncommon when the beachcaster guys were fishless from either pier.


Hope this may be of help. Chris

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Go for cheap at first, see how you get on, you might find you get sick of it so no point splashing out :laugh: after something large pulled my pier rod over the side i'm well pissed off with fishing for the time being :censored:

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