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Bull blood in a whippet is one thing an I'm sure some throw heavy but that looks like it's been blown up with a foot pump :icon_eek: (reminds me of the start of the Pink Panther cartoon, where he pulls the rip chord an inflates!! :laugh: )

If that is the case, why don't we see bullX's exibiting similar traits? Genetics gone mad me thinks!!

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that pic does look abit photoshop....however my mate had one of these......






the picture doesnt show off the size or condition the dog was in.......its a photo of a photo....i have many pics of this dog but they were took ona old camera and arent coming up well when i take picture from digital camera...



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  lonedigga said:
Does anyone on here actually believe that pic's for real :icon_eek::icon_eek: :whistle: It came from the U.S ffs .Load of bollox if you ask me :no:




Exactly, some people can work wonders with a little program called Adobe Photoshop.




  valentino said:
that pic does look abit photoshop....however my mate had one of these......






the picture doesnt show off the size or condition the dog was in.......its a photo of a photo....i have many pics of this dog but they were took ona old camera and arent coming up well when i take picture from digital camera...




He is solid man, looks bang on.


I'm well impressed by these crosses everyone has posted up recently.

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