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My First Kills.. *GRAPHIC*

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I thought id share my pics of my first and second Rat kills..


this was shot near dusk, i used the obligatory Nutella & oil trick! lol.. it didnt attract them like i thought it would! but at least i managed one kill per night..







This one was a few days later, same bait but later in the evening, before i got this one i hadnt noticed two of the little monkies lapping up the bait due to the light fading fast, it wasnt until i looked through the scope that i noticed them! lol.. anyway, they scarpered before i got a shot off..


20 mins later this little chap turned up, it was very dark now and was using a Lenser P7 with a red filter gel taped over it, i was very pleased with the way it lit the eyes up! its the first time id lamped, at first i thought i was seeing things! little sparkles in the undergrowth, until i realised it was their EYES! lol.. anyway, this little guy came out in to the open lapping up the bait, his glowing eyes were lit perfectly and i aimed dead centre.. all he did was flinch then dropped! not a twitch or spasm! it must have taken his brain stem out!




Now im hooked! so if you have a rat infested perm you need help with then please consider me! lol..

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Hi bud once,s its got you its got you, you cant think of enything els but shooting :laugh: nice placed shots and a thumps :thumbs: up to the rifle not that keen on shooting rats the little :censored: make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up :huh: atvbmac

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I once went -only once- for a rat shooting night at a pigs farm (remember "Animal Farm"? :) ). Don't know why haven't do it again... It was as rewarding as shooting lions in Africa with a .300WM, of course, on a smaller scale. Will try to get another try at it. Sad we dont have the luxury of NV devices. They are very expensive to get here!

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  On 26/10/2012 at 02:20, el barba said:

I once went -only once- for a rat shooting night at a pigs farm (remember "Animal Farm"? :) ). Don't know why haven't do it again... It was as rewarding as shooting lions in Africa with a .300WM, of course, on a smaller scale. Will try to get another try at it. Sad we dont have the luxury of NV devices. They are very expensive to get here!

Why don't u make one? I have just done it and have really good results. Upto 40m+ in total darkness for next to nothing.


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