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right this might sound a bit stupid to some people but its been bugging me so here goes,,,i know mixy is a pain in the arse as it wipes out the rabbits and completly spoils are rabbiting,,but can a mixy rabbit be eaten as a normal rabbit can? or does the disease affect us? is it ok for the dog and ferrets to eat? any feed back would be much appriciated ,

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  • 2 months later...

i think ur better of killing them and leaven them in a headge row ot the way and let the foxes get them , dnt kno why any body would want 2 eat a maxi as there hardly any meat on them , bt i would kill them as the rabbits will spread it going from borrow 2 borrow , and if you were lkn after your land you would tk the maxis of the land and and tk them home and burn there coats as it the coats got the fle in it 2 spread the maxi , and you can say thanks 2 the goverment as they made it 2 kill rabbits as they were 2 much bk in the old days ? some addvice for ppl bt ppl may disagree bt if they do leave comment as i would lk 2 hear

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