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Big companies dodging tax...

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Takes the piss.. If these companies are making massive profits from selling stuff to British people in the UK, they should be paying the same rates of tax as the UK based companies they're competing with. Take Starbucks for example.. Is it right that they are paying tax at a lower rate than some local, family owned coffee shop in the same area despite making a shitload more money? :hmm:


People in general moan about scroungers and folk not paying their own way, but they'll happily chuck their money in the direction of these big companies who don't pay their fair share..

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I listened to this debate on Jeremy Vine radio bbc2 earlier in the week and Starbucks use 3 loop holes in the system to avoid paying 80,000000 quids worth of tax to this country when the HMRC will steal every penny off the small business in this country ?....

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As long as they paid it on the profit mate they ain't done anything wrong, no profit, no tax

That's the thing though Wilf, they ain't really.. I'm a firm believer that an individual has the right to pay the bare mjnimum rate of tax applicable to them, but the way these big companies move their profits about to cook the books take the piss. Some of them are putting small local competitors out of business in the high streets, they should be made to compete on equal footings IMO..
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