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If the dog is a good worker and is to be bred from then the papers would enable him to formulate a good breeding plan,I dont think a dogs any better for papers ,a good dog is a good dog,but I fail to see why peoples backs are up the minute anybody mentions papers.All smacks of inverted snobbery to me :blink: Incidentally I have a KC reg border from working parents.......hes scared of the dark :laugh: .......maybe if I throw away his papers :hmm::laugh:

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If the dog is a good worker and is to be bred from then the papers would enable him to formulate a good breeding plan,I dont think a dogs any better for papers ,a good dog is a good dog,but I fail to see why peoples backs are up the minute anybody mentions papers.All smacks of inverted snobbery to me :blink: Incidentally I have a KC reg border from working parents.......hes scared of the dark :laugh: .......maybe if I throw away his papers :hmm::laugh:

I think the main reason certain people want paperwork with a jukel is for £££,s in the future and nothing to do with working potential.
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Maybe to put across a KC registered bitch thats already working and so reverse the trend of non working pedigrees my old man thinks he may know someone but he'll have to check old emails for the number.

The only thing KC brings to a dog is a fat fag or beaver chewer at the end of the lead,working potential or ability comes a poor 3rd,breed for work only,not posture.
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