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hw95k first outing in a while

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Eyup! took the hw95k camping with me last night on the permission so i could zero it now i have the 40mm panorama back on her. got there about 3.30pm started to zero got it pretty close then we went for a wander up to the shop to get supplies.20121020_195846.jpg top group about 11 shots in the blue and the one off to the left was a wobble. then the bottom group i put 4 shots into that jagged hole and then one just off to the left again with shot number 5 been a wobble. im really impressed with the accuracy of this little beauty rifle! :) even though its at 28 yards for these groupings.


on the way back i spotted these 2 little b**tards trying to hide from me so i quickly got the rifle out.20121020_180003.jpg bang first one drops with a thud clean headshot.

about 30 secs later i relocated the second one; perched high abouve my head. a tricky shot aiming straight in the air my back was killing but i coulnt take a headshot but heart and lungs area were open to take a pellet so i sent one on its way after i steadyed up. thud number 2 in the bag not bad for 1 minutes work lol.


then got set up for the night and lit the fire and chilled with a few cans of strongbow.20121020_194716.jpg skinned and gutted the sqwizzys (which was bloody hard work after about 3 hours of them being dead!) and cooked them on the fire :) very nice indeed. was going to take one to my other permission for the magpies but cant be bothered today lol.


didnt see much this morning tho just one squirrel but it was down a hole on the tree before i even had chance to raise the gun. ahwell overall it was a great night camping. not cold yet either.


thanks for reading guys take care SKoT

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Nice work Skott :clapper:


It is hard work peeling a warm Squizzer :yes: Much easier after they have been in the fridge overnight :yes: not like you can do that on a camp though :laugh:


I cant light a camp fire in the cemetery and the land owner of the Paddock dont like fires on his land either but I will camp out for a day or so :thumbs:




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cant beat a bit of camping kill it cook it eat it! ;)

can i ask what size the barrel band sling fitting on your hw96.5? i need to get one on my 95 i know the 97s underlever is 13.5mm but the 95k barrel is wider.. is it 15mm or 16mm?



Hi Scot


Barrel is 16mm on the 95



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