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Introducing new ferrets

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with mine i introduced them on neutral ground,,,,,they had little scuffles and a few squeaks,,,,,but let em go as long as you dont get the pooing,,or signs of blood...they just are sorting out the pecking order mate..i recently got a new hob,,in the last two weeks,,,,my 3 girls are spayed and older than him,,,,,,hes been castrated about 6 weeks ago and hes young i think,,hes far more playful than them,,,,,he has the odd run in with my more laid back jill but they soon part,,,,,,,,at first my laid back jill slept on her own when we got him,,but shes ok now.they all sleep together now in the one bedbox,,,,,so persevere mate and they should all be ok,,,good luck mate....dave

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I have two Jills from different Litters, have tried to introduce but the new Jill, just wants to fight,

have tried all different methods, but nothing works,

its a pity, as they both good workers, one Jill lives with the Vasectomied Hob, and the other on its own.

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