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Making a huge mistake

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Was in roofing and demolition for 18 years worked my way up and ended up running a company with about 30 men working under me. Making sure there was work and wages for them all was a nightmare while the owner was living it up golfing in Spain. You couldn't switch off and took all the stress home. I was divorced twice and one morning I just said f**k this and left. I ended up getting a start through a friend at the glass works sweeping floors and shovelling but when I clocked out that was it no taking work home. 9 years on I have worked my way up and now work shifts , 14 days off every month and 35/40 grand a year. Plenty of time off for the dogs!!! Wish I had gone there straight from school. If I had stopped where I was I think I would have had a breakdown.

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I cant understand anyone knocking the boss if they too have climbed the ladder and got the breaks in life. I bet each and everyone on this site would love to be top of the tree and have everyone making money for you. Its what everyone should be striving for in life, to be the best. Sometimes you hear of folk who f**k up good job after good job yet they still land on there feet in the end, usually a right lazy b*****d tae.....now that gets on my tits.

If youve grafted since you were young and used your head, caught the breaks at right time you should be sitting pretty by retirement age. :thumbs:

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I cant understand anyone knocking the boss if they too have climbed the ladder and got the breaks in life. I bet each and everyone on this site would love to be top of the tree and have everyone making money for you. Its what everyone should be striving for in life, to be the best. Sometimes you hear of folk who f**k up good job after good job yet they still land on there feet in the end, usually a right lazy b*****d tae.....now that gets on my tits.

If youve grafted since you were young and used your head, caught the breaks at right time you should be sitting pretty by retirement age. :thumbs:


well said pal

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As I am only 18, hopefully i have a good few years left, but they say the good die young, so i probably haven't long left :whistling: The job I am in at the minute isn't my ideal job, but there are people out there in a much worse situation than me, so I count myself lucky to have a roof over my head, and money put away for a rainy day.

Far to many people don't use there brain, they leave a job without having anything else lined up, I myself would not leave a job unless i had another lined up, common sense really....... which aint that common anymore!!!

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Mistakes, ive made a few. I was badly schooled in 'work ethic' & most lessons have been learn the hard way, probably cost me 10 years, no great regrets though. Hopefully I will be a better tutor - couldnt be any worse! LOL

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As I am only 18, hopefully i have a good few years left, but they say the good die young, so i probably haven't long left :whistling: The job I am in at the minute isn't my ideal job, but there are people out there in a much worse situation than me, so I count myself lucky to have a roof over my head, and money put away for a rainy day.

Far to many people don't use there brain, they leave a job without having anything else lined up, I myself would not leave a job unless i had another lined up, common sense really....... which aint that common anymore!!!


You used to be able to do that once upon a time, within a day or 2 something else could be picked up after a informal chat.

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As I am only 18, hopefully i have a good few years left, but they say the good die young, so i probably haven't long left :whistling: The job I am in at the minute isn't my ideal job, but there are people out there in a much worse situation than me, so I count myself lucky to have a roof over my head, and money put away for a rainy day.

Far to many people don't use there brain, they leave a job without having anything else lined up, I myself would not leave a job unless i had another lined up, common sense really....... which aint that common anymore!!!


You used to be able to do that once upon a time, within a day or 2 something else could be picked up after a informal chat.


Luckily, the line of work I am in, I stand a good chance of getting most jobs i apply for, but I would love to branch out and try something new, which i have a feeling is going to be difficult!!!

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Made plenty of mistakes and i'm only 22. My first job i walked out and went back to three times, the boss was a proper twat and i hated him but i'd sit for a couple of days and he'd be on the phone "you've gotta get back in mate it's going to shit" blah blah, i do regret the last time i walked out 'cause the money and hours were decent (plus it was full of women) just the pressure got to me and that was it.


Always flitted from crap job to crap job, got working for npower, went for promotion from front line to team leader and was told because i was agency staff, i couldn't go for it. Tried everything to get promoted with all the credentials, wouldn't have it :censored: all the while employing people with npower direct. Really boiled my piss so i told my boss to stick her pissy arsed job up her ring piece, needless to say i was escorted out by security :icon_redface: regret that but what can ya do??


No point dwelling on the past though, you live and learn and most importantly you have a good time doing so :thumbs:

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