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Making a huge mistake

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Awrite blokes and blokettes


Well !


I have been working in the offshore oil industry for around 6 yrs now, after leaving the Nuclear power game a while back.


I had been kinda sheltered and felt comfartable in the job I was doing, to the point where I became pissed off with it, I felt the pressure was too much, and the company was not doing enough to support me ,,,, so I left


A friend managed to poach me across to another oil company, with the promise of all the benefits that an oil company job would bring, and the chance to work on some new technology and upgraded plant etc etc,, well,,,,


The reality was something else entirely,, you cannot see where you will work in this job until you get there,,,


The job was built up by the friend in question,, but even on here, guys like Moo, had stated they would never work for the company and would never go back to the platforms they own,


I still went, I felt commited and was keen for the change




What an eye opener. The place was a dump, a serious setback and would put my career back 20 yrs. The other folk on the platform wouldn`t even look at me with the company overalls on,, it was that bad,

There were contract issues as well, that showed the company to be liars.


At first, I panicked,, I imagined that I had f****d up 30 yrs of hard work and that I was stuck in a hell hole that I would have to work hard to get out off, then I calmed down, had a wee think, and made a few calls


Short story is ,, I managed to get back to the company I was with,, this time on a better deal to make sure I didn`t piss off again,


The worry and panic that I caused the missus was torture, I really thought I had buggered it up big time, but thankfully it worked out OK


I suppose, the moral off the tale is ,, the grass is not always greener, and maybe the job we have is not as bad as we think


My other point to this post, is a question,,


Who else has f****d up big time,,??? and how did you sort it out ?? did it change your outlook ??


Should more of us be happier with what we have ???

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i was always told work to live,not live to work,atb wf

There has been a lot of study into the "if only factor" of our mental being and it is showing to play a great role in the fall in mental well-being. How many of us have been given a choice of somethi

Awrite blokes and blokettes   Well !   I have been working in the offshore oil industry for around 6 yrs now, after leaving the Nuclear power game a while back.   I had been kinda sheltered and

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Why ?

What caused it ? and why was it worth it.



I fully realise that work plays second fiddle to family and actually being happy with what you do, but surely being comfortable at work should make you at least content ?? and make you put up with a lot ?? no ??

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Why ?

What caused it ? and why was it worth it.



I fully realise that work plays second fiddle to family and actually being happy with what you do, but surely being comfortable at work should make you at least content ?? and make you put up with a lot ?? no ??

Funny i was brought up to believe that work was the main priority in life by perants who had never had it so good due to the nationilization of our main industries were hard dedicated workers were treat with respect i couldent handel the fact a building site manager threatand to sack an apprentice joiner for telling him he didnt have the time to wash his car then him threatning to sack me over a fekin empty pop can some one had left outside his office.
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I can empathise with this


Respect goes a long way. One of the managers for the new company tried to bully me , and was told straight that he could expect my resignation, as I could not and would not put up with shit attitudes.

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Been happy in a job is worth all the tea in china and you dont realy appreciate how good a job you might be in if you have had to put up with shit jobs in the past since leaving the mineing industrie in the 80s i could wright a fekin book on the shit jobs wich is never the jobs actual fault more to do with who runs them that i have worked in.

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Why ?

What caused it ? and why was it worth it.



I fully realise that work plays second fiddle to family and actually being happy with what you do, but surely being comfortable at work should make you at least content ?? and make you put up with a lot ?? no ??

Funny i was brought up to believe that work was the main priority in life by perants who had never had it so good due to the nationilization of our main industries were hard dedicated workers were treat with respect i couldent handel the fact a building site manager threatand to sack an apprentice joiner for telling him he didnt have the time to wash his car then him threatning to sack me over a fekin empty pop can some one had left outside his office.

i was always told work to live,not live to work,atb wf
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thats no so good rake glad you got it sorted out, i just about f****d ma business by being an absolute fanny and pranging ma van after geting in a fight outside the pub needless to say i had had a few and thought geting in motor was good idea, what a shcool boy error that was, if it wasny for the actions of some very close and loyal freinds i would have been f****d. since that day nearly 10 years ago ive kept ma nose clean what a wake up call.

get intoutch mate for a day at billys :thumbs:

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The way the building industry is at the moment i sometimes wish i had just went and got a factory job and worked my way up. Monday to Friday, no pressure and weekends all to yourself. Then again i dont know if i could do that day in day out?

Even the Game Farming side of things is getting harder every year as the bigger business are starting to take over. Scary times ahead......... :yes:

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The way the building industry is at the moment i sometimes wish i had just went and got a factory job and worked my way up. Monday to Friday, no pressure and weekends all to yourself. Then again i dont know if i could do that day in day out?

Even the Game Farming side of things is getting harder every year as the bigger business are starting to take over. Scary times ahead......... :yes:

Factorys, Lab are nothing but workhouses, your just a number ,

Ive seen a big change over the years in the way people are treated . Ive seen alot of full time workers sacked for next to nothing only to be replaced be agency workers

make you wonder what will happen when the new pension scheme comes in and the companies have to pay into it , will they just rely on agency to keeps costs down

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The way the building industry is at the moment i sometimes wish i had just went and got a factory job and worked my way up. Monday to Friday, no pressure and weekends all to yourself. Then again i dont know if i could do that day in day out?

Even the Game Farming side of things is getting harder every year as the bigger business are starting to take over. Scary times ahead......... :yes:

Factorys, Lab are nothing but workhouses, your just a number ,

Ive seen a big change over the years in the way people are treated . Ive seen alot of full time workers sacked for next to nothing only to be replaced be agency workers

make you wonder what will happen when the new pension scheme comes in and the companies have to pay into it , will they just rely on agency to keeps costs down

True mate........its a case of people never really happy where they are. I'm sure there are lots of people who love there job but the vast majority hate it and see it as a chore. Hopefully one day the tables will change and a break will appear. You just never know whats round the corner..........The lottery win i hope!!.. :toast:
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Oh all the signs point to financial woe. My advice would be squirrel as much hard cash you can get your hands on. Cause if the experts ate to be believed were going to need every penny.

Not just that, I also see a rise in crime. All these drastic cuts and loss of some benefit for every spare room. Well it's gonna be tough for us with an income, f**k knows how they are going to get through. Well apart from going on the rob

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The way the building industry is at the moment i sometimes wish i had just went and got a factory job and worked my way up. Monday to Friday, no pressure and weekends all to yourself. Then again i dont know if i could do that day in day out?

Even the Game Farming side of things is getting harder every year as the bigger business are starting to take over. Scary times ahead......... :yes:

Factorys, Lab are nothing but workhouses, your just a number ,

Ive seen a big change over the years in the way people are treated . Ive seen alot of full time workers sacked for next to nothing only to be replaced be agency workers

make you wonder what will happen when the new pension scheme comes in and the companies have to pay into it , will they just rely on agency to keeps costs down


spot on , i worked for a local Brewery 25 years, and most staff are from agency's alot are Pols. So the wage as you say now is just minimum wage now, and the fulltime workers wage was dropped down to just above it. :yes: I hurt my back in the 80s, and got out at the right time (98), lost some money at the time , but would rather loose money , than work for a low wage and cripple my back for ever. Yes you always think the grass is greener R/A , but thats not always the case, my mrs as good job , but there alot of changes going on there, and dont know what will happen next year, might have to sell our house if it dont work out.!!

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