Sjt657 191 Posted October 24, 2012 Author Report Share Posted October 24, 2012 Thanks guys thought I was confused about it before now I have 10 times more info to dislike the lot of them !!! 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Ant9x 25 Posted October 24, 2012 Report Share Posted October 24, 2012 So Bob Crowe 'should be forced to go private' In other words evct him?. Jesus christ. Think about the implications of what you write. Don't you think that's a thuggish nazi-style policy? Would you also support that inbred family of parasites in Buckingham Palace being forced from their council house? Of course not, that's unthinkable in your bigoted cap doffing, forehead knuckling world. I don't recall pretending to be morally correct. I stressed I was no angel. Any guy with my experiences and background would vomit at the thought of being a private landlord. Where would housing be without private landlords? Under the auspices of properly run, government inspected housing associations-- at a rent people could afford. Private landlords who rent their properties to people on benefit must be the biggest beneficiaries of social security of all.They charge exorbitant rents and collect it from me and you. The whole corrupt, business makes me want to spew. How about the government helping young couples with deposits for mortgages? That's a revolutionary idea! Your view is that it's ok for Mr Crowe to live in a subsided council house whilst having a gross income in excess of £220,00 a year. My view is that this property should go to someone whose is homeless and cannot afford to buy or rent in the private sector. The days of the Rachmans are long gone, and now tenants have so many rights that it is often the landlords who are taken advantage of, if it were not for private landlords ( and I am not one ) there would be a massive shortage of properties to rent, and many more properties empty. I thought that rent charges were dictated by the market, and that many local authorities tell the landlords what they are going to pay. Wondered when you would get round to the royal family, it is a fact that they bring in much much more income to Britain then they cost the state to run, and in an earlier comment you made here it would appear you rather like the idea of Mr Crowe being knighted by them. As you have said to WILF many times could you please restrict any further comments you have without insults. There are a growing number of Rachman landlords. STOP PRESS: Wilf and I agree that the greatest obscenity is poverty. However we still have a little way to go on how to tackle it. Ant9x, I think you started the insult ball rolling by calling me 'morally correct' when I was at pains to point out I was not adopting that particular stance. You also accused me of 'hero worship' which I found insulting. I think insulting is rather strong, if you are insulted I'm sorry that was not my intention. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bezza Posted October 24, 2012 Report Share Posted October 24, 2012 So Bob Crowe 'should be forced to go private' In other words evct him?. Jesus christ. Think about the implications of what you write. Don't you think that's a thuggish nazi-style policy? Would you also support that inbred family of parasites in Buckingham Palace being forced from their council house? Of course not, that's unthinkable in your bigoted cap doffing, forehead knuckling world. I don't recall pretending to be morally correct. I stressed I was no angel. Any guy with my experiences and background would vomit at the thought of being a private landlord. Where would housing be without private landlords? Under the auspices of properly run, government inspected housing associations-- at a rent people could afford. Private landlords who rent their properties to people on benefit must be the biggest beneficiaries of social security of all.They charge exorbitant rents and collect it from me and you. The whole corrupt, business makes me want to spew. How about the government helping young couples with deposits for mortgages? That's a revolutionary idea! Your view is that it's ok for Mr Crowe to live in a subsided council house whilst having a gross income in excess of £220,00 a year. My view is that this property should go to someone whose is homeless and cannot afford to buy or rent in the private sector. The days of the Rachmans are long gone, and now tenants have so many rights that it is often the landlords who are taken advantage of, if it were not for private landlords ( and I am not one ) there would be a massive shortage of properties to rent, and many more properties empty. I thought that rent charges were dictated by the market, and that many local authorities tell the landlords what they are going to pay. Wondered when you would get round to the royal family, it is a fact that they bring in much much more income to Britain then they cost the state to run, and in an earlier comment you made here it would appear you rather like the idea of Mr Crowe being knighted by them. As you have said to WILF many times could you please restrict any further comments you have without insults. There are a growing number of Rachman landlords. STOP PRESS: Wilf and I agree that the greatest obscenity is poverty. However we still have a little way to go on how to tackle it. Ant9x, I think you started the insult ball rolling by calling me 'morally correct' when I was at pains to point out I was not adopting that particular stance. You also accused me of 'hero worship' which I found insulting. I think insulting is rather strong, if you are insulted I'm sorry that was not my intention. Ditto Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 47,791 Posted October 24, 2012 Report Share Posted October 24, 2012 Like the picture! Lol Seeing as you always try and avoid the difficult questions, let me put it another way, do you think someone who lives in a 4 bedroom house should pay more in tax ( council, income or whatever) than someone who lives in a 2 bedroom house? Simple question really? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here...the point your trying to make is not what I was suggesting. I don't know how it is in your part of the country but up here your council tax is calculated by the area in which you live. These Banded areas differ in the amount of Council tax they charge, say you lived in a caravan at one end of the street and your pal had a mansion at the other end you'd both be paying the same amount....capice! other than that I can't be arsed I'm going to my bed.....You quite good at avoiding the issues yourself Wilfy It was you that said that you thought it was disgusting that someone in a twenty room mansion pays the same council tax as someone living in a 2 / 3 bed council flat. Yip and I stand by that So again I ask you, why does it cost more to collect a bin from a mansion than a 2 bedroom house? far as I know, all bins are the same size that are issued by the local council? 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Paid 935 Posted October 25, 2012 Report Share Posted October 25, 2012 longer drive way = more fuel 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
scothunter 12,609 Posted October 25, 2012 Report Share Posted October 25, 2012 Lol@ paid Quote Link to post Share on other sites
scothunter 12,609 Posted October 25, 2012 Report Share Posted October 25, 2012 Oh and paid your bin men must be special. If the bin ain't in the street. Then your f****d lol 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
whippet 99 2,613 Posted October 25, 2012 Report Share Posted October 25, 2012 tax the rich mothers more .............the rich feed off us peasants . we are how they make there money ,...........if there was no peasants there would be no rich folk,........ couldnt give a shit if they tax them more ,.....well they do any way,.........more turn over ,higher the tax bracket as for being fair , the whole of life is unfair, have too make hay when the sun shines,........look after no 1 (your family), take oppourtunities , take risks, blah , blah........ the goverment over the years have looked after the wealthy (there own), for long enough there time has come , fooking good enough even if it doesnt benefit me personnally.......... i will tell you something , when i had a new hip put in this year ,....the benefit people said try and put a claim for disease caused at or through work ,........rheumatoid arthritis was me claim and i sent it off had a reply ,..........and it said because i havent worked on a farm i wasnt intitled to any benefit.............i was fooking fuming and rang them ,...the women on the phone was embarrassed to say the least and the only thing she said i could do is write to local M.P.............what a fooking joke......... so straight away what does that tell people...................who are they looking after? us peasants get shat on and the rich get protected yet again........... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Ant9x 25 Posted October 25, 2012 Report Share Posted October 25, 2012 tax the rich mothers more .............the rich feed off us peasants . we are how they make there money ,...........if there was no peasants there would be no rich folk,........ couldnt give a shit if they tax them more ,.....well they do any way,.........more turn over ,higher the tax bracket as for being fair , the whole of life is unfair, have too make hay when the sun shines,........look after no 1 (your family), take oppourtunities , take risks, blah , blah........ the goverment over the years have looked after the wealthy (there own), for long enough there time has come , fooking good enough even if it doesnt benefit me personnally.......... i will tell you something , when i had a new hip put in this year ,....the benefit people said try and put a claim for disease caused at or through work ,........rheumatoid arthritis was me claim and i sent it off had a reply ,..........and it said because i havent worked on a farm i wasnt intitled to any benefit.............i was fooking fuming and rang them ,...the women on the phone was embarrassed to say the least and the only thing she said i could do is write to local M.P.............what a fooking joke......... so straight away what does that tell people...................who are they looking after? us peasants get shat on and the rich get protected yet again........... Some people are rich because they have worked very hard in their lives, and have spent their money on a large property which over the years has increased in value making them asset rich and relatively cash poor, as opposed to others who have had expensive holidays, cars, and very active costly social lives. Others have inherited from their relatives who have also made sacrifices to put their children in that position. Others have chosen job satisfaction or a cause as a priority over money, and some have chosen not to work at all, and of course some have been very unlucky or lucky for whatever reason or have made a wrong decision at some stage in their lives.With respect you may wish to consider these points, and as you say life is not fair, but it is not always the rich who are to blame for everything that happens. As you say the rich already pay more tax ( apart from the tax avoiders, which hopefully will be resolved ) on their income, the point here is how many times is it reasonable to tax them on their assets. Good luck with hip recovery. 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
bird 9,985 Posted October 25, 2012 Report Share Posted October 25, 2012 The unions destroyed coal mining in this country, by keeping the miners on strike for to long, trying to hold the power companies and ordinary folk to randsom, but the power companies went elsewhere and stayed there, so no jobs when they went back to work, the unions have never been on the side of the working man, only thier own side, and I notice that Arthur Scargill did'nt lose his house, or any weight during the two year strike, wonder why? Wat a load of shit were you faced with redundancy and a goverment hell bent on destroying communities and jobs you keep reading the sun newspaper. We did'nt have to wait for the goverment, the unions did it for them, we trusted them, but never again, ever. So you put your trust in a thacher goverment you wernt one of the fekin idiots from nottingam that worked through the strike only to be shafted by the tories lol. thats what killed the unions ( THACHER ) flat, unions got to powerful in 70s when (Heath) was in (3 days a week) ok , you gone from to powerful to (0) power brought in from thacher later . Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Born Hunter 17,818 Posted October 25, 2012 Report Share Posted October 25, 2012 tax the rich mothers more .............the rich feed off us peasants . we are how they make there money ,...........if there was no peasants there would be no rich folk,........ couldnt give a shit if they tax them more ,.....well they do any way,.........more turn over ,higher the tax bracket as for being fair , the whole of life is unfair, have too make hay when the sun shines,........look after no 1 (your family), take oppourtunities , take risks, blah , blah........ the goverment over the years have looked after the wealthy (there own), for long enough there time has come , fooking good enough even if it doesnt benefit me personnally.......... i will tell you something , when i had a new hip put in this year ,....the benefit people said try and put a claim for disease caused at or through work ,........rheumatoid arthritis was me claim and i sent it off had a reply ,..........and it said because i havent worked on a farm i wasnt intitled to any benefit.............i was fooking fuming and rang them ,...the women on the phone was embarrassed to say the least and the only thing she said i could do is write to local M.P.............what a fooking joke......... so straight away what does that tell people...................who are they looking after? us peasants get shat on and the rich get protected yet again........... Some people are rich because they have worked very hard in their lives, and have spent their money on a large property which over the years has increased in value making them asset rich and relatively cash poor, as opposed to others who have had expensive holidays, cars, and very active costly social lives. Others have inherited from their relatives who have also made sacrifices to put their children in that position. Others have chosen job satisfaction or a cause as a priority over money, and some have chosen not to work at all, and of course some have been very unlucky or lucky for whatever reason or have made a wrong decision at some stage in their lives.With respect you may wish to consider these points, and as you say life is not fair, but it is not always the rich who are to blame for everything that happens. As you say the rich already pay more tax ( apart from the tax avoiders, which hopefully will be resolved ) on their income, the point here is how many times is it reasonable to tax them on their assets. Good luck with hip recovery. Well put! Nothing like jealousy to blind a man. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Malt 379 Posted October 25, 2012 Report Share Posted October 25, 2012 Personally I got nothing against the wealthy, as long as they're forced to live by the same rules as the less well off.. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
undisputed 1,664 Posted October 25, 2012 Report Share Posted October 25, 2012 (edited) Like the picture! Lol Seeing as you always try and avoid the difficult questions, let me put it another way, do you think someone who lives in a 4 bedroom house should pay more in tax ( council, income or whatever) than someone who lives in a 2 bedroom house? Simple question really? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here...the point your trying to make is not what I was suggesting. I don't know how it is in your part of the country but up here your council tax is calculated by the area in which you live. These Banded areas differ in the amount of Council tax they charge, say you lived in a caravan at one end of the street and your pal had a mansion at the other end you'd both be paying the same amount....capice! other than that I can't be arsed I'm going to my bed.....You quite good at avoiding the issues yourself Wilfy It was you that said that you thought it was disgusting that someone in a twenty room mansion pays the same council tax as someone living in a 2 / 3 bed council flat. Yip and I stand by that So again I ask you, why does it cost more to collect a bin from a mansion than a 2 bedroom house? far as I know, all bins are the same size that are issued by the local council? Your obsessed with paying bin men wulfy... Shouldn't you be working and paying your dues like the good Right Wing capitalist you are Edited October 25, 2012 by undisputed Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bezza Posted October 25, 2012 Report Share Posted October 25, 2012 (edited) Like the picture! Lol Seeing as you always try and avoid the difficult questions, let me put it another way, do you think someone who lives in a 4 bedroom house should pay more in tax ( council, income or whatever) than someone who lives in a 2 bedroom house? Simple question really? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here...the point your trying to make is not what I was suggesting. I don't know how it is in your part of the country but up here your council tax is calculated by the area in which you live. These Banded areas differ in the amount of Council tax they charge, say you lived in a caravan at one end of the street and your pal had a mansion at the other end you'd both be paying the same amount....capice! other than that I can't be arsed I'm going to my bed.....You quite good at avoiding the issues yourself Wilfy It was you that said that you thought it was disgusting that someone in a twenty room mansion pays the same council tax as someone living in a 2 / 3 bed council flat. Yip and I stand by that So again I ask you, why does it cost more to collect a bin from a mansion than a 2 bedroom house? far as I know, all bins are the same size that are issued by the local council? I've tried to explain this before Wilf. I'll try again. Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin. Since the very inception of human societies, and especially after pre-industrial societies came into existence, people realised that unless you impose some sort of structure on society, life would quickly become 'nasty, brutish and short'. Therefore taxes were raised so that people could have a police force, an education system, a medical system and so on. In our country the Council Tax was introduced as a local government tax- a kind of mansion tax if you prefer.It was decided that those who had the most valuable properties should pay more in tax. This seems to me to be common sense. There's a level of choice here. When I bought my present house I could have bought a house across the road from me which is a bit grander and has a sea view. However I decided not to because I was scared of falling on hard times and not being able to afford the higher council tax levy on the grander house. Of course there should be some exemption for those unfortunates who find themselves in large houses with little income. Many who find themselves in such circumstances decide to take advantage of equity release schemes. Personally, I would be quite happy to live in a council house but many council schemes are now blighted by anti social behaviour and plagued by abandoned, workless, feral youths, and so I prefer not to. Paying a higher council tax often has the unintended consequence of protecting house owners from mindless petty crime and therefore for me, in my advancing years is worth paying. I hope this answers your question. Lots of people in this country think paying tax is some sort of violence that government perpetrates on them. Compare this with Sweden. The government take 60% of an individual's earnings. And guess what? The vast majority of Swedish citizens are perfectly happy to accept that the price you pay, to live in what is generally considered the most civilised country in the world, is high taxation. It really is that simple. There are no Wilfs and Bezzas at each other's throats. There is simply a consensus that you need to pay through the nose in taxes to live a happy life with a first class medical system, first class educational system, full employment and so on. If you don't believe me, have a look below.Incidentally one of my sons is a regular visitor and is hoping to emigrate there soon. Edited October 25, 2012 by bezza Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Born Hunter 17,818 Posted October 25, 2012 Report Share Posted October 25, 2012 That's not really fair at all though is it? A tax based on house size. Just because a person puts there hard earned into a house means they should be taxed to f**k on it? Surely your house is just an asset so a much fairer tax would be an asset tax if that is what you are advocating? Then also a fun tax, anybody that spends there money on enjoyment should be taxed proportionally to their enjoyment. etc etc. Having a mansion tax is certainly not common sense.... It's another example of spitefull jealousy. 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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