Sjt657 191 Posted October 20, 2012 Report Share Posted October 20, 2012 Are we that stupid to keep following them ?? I have worked full time since I was 15 ... Do they know any of the facts ??? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
scothunter 12,609 Posted October 20, 2012 Report Share Posted October 20, 2012 There just like the bosses these days. Not a straw to draw between them. Only concerned on securing thier own position, and feathering thier nest. 8 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
poacher3161 1,766 Posted October 20, 2012 Report Share Posted October 20, 2012 There just like the bosses these days. Not a straw to draw between them. Only concerned on securing thier own position, and feathering thier nest. Bang on the money scott the sooner the ordinary working man starts believing this and starts to organize their own unions that dont donate to new labour a political party thats done more damage to ordinary working class people with their policy of mass imegration the better. 12 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
chris k 205 Posted October 20, 2012 Report Share Posted October 20, 2012 (edited) unions are a joke now. lost my job at the councile becuase of those ass wipes. They where quike enuf to get pay raises for the bin men (who where already makeing 10 an hour) but the rest of us got shafted when we where all told they coudnt afford to keep us on (at 6.50 i might ad). just a bit sick of this sort of kak where if you dont get paid a film stars wage then keep striking untill you do. want proof... look at them fat lazy feckers in london underground and there wages. RANT OVER!! Edited October 20, 2012 by chris k Quote Link to post Share on other sites
twobob 1,497 Posted October 21, 2012 Report Share Posted October 21, 2012 may be it depends which union,cast your mind back to the tanker drivers threatening to strike,pumps ran out in no time,government puts out how much they got a year trying to get the public against them,when that didnt work someone from the government must have realised how serious it could get and settled it.wasnt about more money for the drivers,it was about safety issues.well done the union.This time last year i was working on the demolition i was carrying a tirfor the rope snagged and i pulled my back out,i got layed off 2nd time sick in 32yrs Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 48,133 Posted October 21, 2012 Report Share Posted October 21, 2012 Look at London docklands in the late 70s and early 80s if you really want to see the power of a union......derelict buildings and empty docks on what was one of the greatest and busiest rivers in the world Absolute shit c**ts ! 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Ant9x 25 Posted October 21, 2012 Report Share Posted October 21, 2012 Are we that stupid to keep following them ?? I have worked full time since I was 15 ... Do they know any of the facts ??? Bob Crowe RMT earns about £124,000 a year, his wife / partner about £,000 in the same union, lives in a council house, and complains about high earners in industry . 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
steve66 3,602 Posted October 21, 2012 Report Share Posted October 21, 2012 Just about to cancel my union membership , they only seem interested in the public sector and not the private Never heard of nurses and teachers coming out on strike for the suport of the private sector Its all one sided with them 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
miller 18 Posted October 21, 2012 Report Share Posted October 21, 2012 There just like the bosses these days. Not a straw to draw between them. Only concerned on securing their own position, and feathering their nest. Bang on the money Scott the sooner the ordinary working man starts believing this and starts to organize their own unions that don't donate to new labour a political party that's done more damage to ordinary working class people with their policy of mass immigration the better. Totally agree. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bezza Posted October 21, 2012 Report Share Posted October 21, 2012 (edited) Some unions have become very weak which is a tragedy for working people.This is not surprising when so many people are brainwashed by the media barons who constantly tell them unions are evil and full of commies and all that bull. However there are still some very strong unions which look after their members. Bob Crowe has increased his uniion membership from 80000 to 120000 simply by being strong and demanding better wages and conditions. In the past, the unions, by influencng parliamentary legislation, have introduced dozens of bills ranging from unfair dismissal, to the 40 hour week, to pensions to the minimum wage. Ordinary people would be in a desperarate condition if we had not had unions. I believe passionately in the unions and it saddens me to see what little power they have. That's one of the reasons why people are being screwed at the moment. The tory scum are making us pay for the bankers' greed, and whilst they are at it, are having a go at our jobs, schools and NHS. I've read Wilf before on here saying he welcomes the privatisation of the NHS in the belief it will drive up standards. This is not a view shared by any of the people from nurses to to surgeons to GPs who work in the NHS. I'm off topic a bit now I know , but look at the industries that have been privatised like rail,gas, electricity, water, and old peoples' homes. Has ANYBODY noticed a better, cheaper service as we were promised? As we all know the OPPOSITE is true. Back to the thread. I can understand people not wanting to join unions or go on strike, but why do they then accept the improved pay and conditions which has been won for them by union members? I've been on strike several times and refuse to speak to those parasites who sponge off the hardship of those willing to withdraw their labour for blatant workplace injustices, better pay and conditions etc. As I say, let them do their own negotiating with the employer--see how far that gets them. I am sure there will be people who can point to instances where unions have made mistakes, but by and large, the unions have had a VERY positive effect on the quality of people's lives in this country and elsewhere. If you have the time, check out this way to pay off the deficit. Edited October 21, 2012 by bezza Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bezza Posted October 21, 2012 Report Share Posted October 21, 2012 (edited) Look at London docklands in the late 70s and early 80s if you really want to see the power of a union......derelict buildings and empty docks on what was one of the greatest and busiest rivers in the world Absolute shit c**ts ! If it was the same issue as the north of England then it was more like the power of the owners of the docks. My dad and grandad were dockers in Salford as were my wife's-in fact food that 'fell off' ships was a main part of my diet when i was kid lol. Containerisation killed the industry, dock owners won that battle. People were fighting for their livelihoods. What would you suggest they did doff their caps and invite redundancy with no compensation? If you decide to reply Wilf, leave out the expletives and exclamation marks. It's a pain, reasoned debate is much more civilised. If you are not talking about containerisation then I'm barking up the wrong tree. Edited October 21, 2012 by bezza 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 48,133 Posted October 21, 2012 Report Share Posted October 21, 2012 (edited) Let me start by saying I'm not brain washed into anything, I have been in the world long enough to know what's what and I believe what's in front of my eyes. Lets start with your NHS comment, yes I think it should be privatised, the standards would be better no doubt about it. If you have ever had private treatment which I am sure you have, then you will know that it is a country mile above what your getting served up in the local hospitals........they won't stand for second best from ANY staff in a place like the Harley street clinic and that's the way it should be in all hospitals IMHO, your either a professional or your not, there should not and can not be any in between when your dealing with people's lives. There are some brilliant people working in our NHS who I am sure would want a less shoddy service with less managers, more folk who care about the job they are doing and the standard they are doing it too. The docks died because the unions made it too expensive to land cargo, end of was cheaper to go to Rotterdam and drive it across! They are demanding money in the public sector that their members don't create and isn't there to give them, they are happy to put all of us in the real economy that actually create some money in debt upto our eyeballs as long as their members don't suffer......sorry mate, I don't f*****g think so. As for the communist connections, that's well documented and you know it.....from the strikes at Langley to Scargill to Bob Crowe....all dirty reds to a man As for your Tax the rich link, it is absolutely disgusting that because a bloke has done well for himself people think they can rock up and steal his money to pay for some other f****r.......what the f**k gives you the right to help yourself to other people's money......give me one good reason why a multi millionaire should pay a percentage point more in tax than a floor cleaner ? They both work, they both earn money, so why? Edited October 21, 2012 by WILF Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bezza Posted October 21, 2012 Report Share Posted October 21, 2012 (edited) I think we are so far apart politically Wilf we could debate all night and not reach any common ground. We appear to have a common interest in running dogs and absolutely nothing else. However, ill say this, I will hold you to account in the coming months and years about the performance of the NHS. If the stats show the NHS has improved I'll readily admit I was wrong in my fears for its future. If the opposite is true I hope you will do the same. Edited October 21, 2012 by bezza Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 48,133 Posted October 21, 2012 Report Share Posted October 21, 2012 Fair one mate Quote Link to post Share on other sites
mark@mbb 31 Posted October 21, 2012 Report Share Posted October 21, 2012 Wilf i paid into Bupa for ten years and 12 months ago my wife was dianosed with breast cancer i rang bupa and the girl on the switch said she would contact the doctor and come back to me the local hospital had her in and the operation done before i was contacted by bupa i cancelled my subscription and fxxx them off If every body paid into the NHS as much as we were paying into bupa and all the EU patients had to have a insurance policy to be treated which they should take out at the airport, when they arrive in the country like our green card we use when we go abroad we would have the best health service in the world every body is fleecing the country even the goverment employees MP,s and there family the nhs will go down the nick once it is privatised Rant over 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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