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deer dogs (preban)

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We don't have muntys here but they remind me of some really small feral boars with huge tusks,they kill experienced pig dogs who think they are an easy catch but the speed and ferocity of them is insane.If they get into a wombat hole it's even worse.

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Mates little whippet was a good deer dog pre ban 19tts. Very capable little bitch was Skippy

couple more in me youth.many many moons ago.when i was kean , now the ban i sit back and just think of the good old day,s,,

An old pre ban one a dog bred out of a 22tts lamp bitch to a first cross saluki/grey called jed from county duram.

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Been lucky enough to have run ins with all the uk deer but i have to say for sport chasing them munties about on a frosty day with a couple terriers and a small sharp lurcher is the best sport for me.

Edited by C.green
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The one dog I saw get a nasty bite from a munty buck which was actually his 1st munty, an older dog nearing the end of his carreer a very experienced dog on roe handled the munty like he would a roe and was bitten bad.

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  On 09/03/2020 at 23:39, C.green said:

Been lucky enough to have run ins with all the uk deer but i have to say for sport chasing them munties about on a frosty day with a couple terriers and a small sharp lurcher is the best sport for me.


spot on, do that regular  on a weekend, go just  [BANNED TEXT] its quite no dog walkers about , 1/2 hour before dark . 2-3 lurchers and little  woody the jack x terrier . it my big dog Buck who goes into the thick cover , he go in any where if  smells quarry , the other dogs norm run along  the tracks waiting  for a bolt. ive had some brill sights with Buck diving  over thick high brambles  etc , with him very close to a munjack , dont know who gets the most excited  watching him more, the other dogs  or me  haha, , as above it great crack. the one day Buck had been gone about 10 mins , the other dogs were knocking about not far from me, when at the bottom of the track , a good size fox started to slink out on to the track, thought fare play crafty bugger lol, he just moved slowly  away . well Buck appeared  now , thought no more of it , he couldn't have seen it , but he went like rocket down the track flat out, he got down there  very quick,but old charlie , must have heard him coming and was gone, you deff have some great sport in the woods .;)

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  On 09/03/2020 at 23:12, SheepChaser said:

I think some of it is just luck. Some dogs are lucky and some really aren’t! 


Yeh agree there I know a few lads Dogs that have been ripped up by them maybe Just the dogs in Worcester are soft skinned lol two mates dogs got kicked the shit out of by a roe buck and proper split them open and they have done a few yet iv seen my little dog mini get kicked in head repeated times and not think anything of it , the lad ain’t exactly into his teeth and antler he’s more of a rabbit man so I think maybe the processes of dispatching May of been delayed at some point was probs fannying about but dogs on the mend anyways 

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Muntjacks every were round my way ,no fffing rabbits but plenty hares and deer ,"all the stuff I'm not to run ? Every fffing hedge got one in ,,most days out ferreting  I see one or more bolt along the hedge .a

Muntjack strong for size and preban I see roe taken no probs but same jooks come a cropper when taken the little power house that fights back ,




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Wash them with something like laundry detergent and warm water to de grease them then you need some Hydrogen Peroxide. 

Keep it off the antlers and let them soak in it. 

When they have been buried like that they never really come up proper clean. 

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  On 14/03/2020 at 05:19, BGA said:

Wash them with something like laundry detergent and warm water to de grease them then you need some Hydrogen Peroxide. 

Keep it off the antlers and let them soak in it. 

When they have been buried like that they never really come up proper clean. 


ok buddy cheers for the reply

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