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oooo i finally got a big un!

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three days of ferreting on the belt on new permission finally paid off with a big un!


after being wet on day one and having to chase the dog on day two,day three started off more promising. no rain this morning ( an added bonus) but at 8am a thick fog started to roll down the valley and i thought it was gonna be another pants day.

then the sun came up and burnt it off pretty quickly. so i dodged the farmer ( otherwise i wouldnt get to lay a net, he can talk for england lol ) and hoofed up the valley to a bit of land i noticed yesterday that looked promising.

many nets later, nearly everyone in my bag, the ferrets were off to do there job. 10 minutes later the jack russells head started tilting from side to side and i thought game on.

bang bang bang rabbit city. my mate and myself had a rabbit each in the net,one between our legs and were fast running out of places to put them. then fred the ferret decided to try and hide a few down the hole!.

slipping and sliding down a slippery slope on the hillside we managed to dispatch 17 rabbits from one warren but there must have been a fair few that slipped the nets. wish i had the forethough to put the long net behind me. but being virgin land you live and learn by the mistakes.

i can see what the farmer has being saying now about this permission not being toutched for over two years by a ferreter.

just got to give my mate some training though. have just realised that he is a short assed bloke with dumpy arms that dont reach the bottom of a rabbit hole so if it comes to pulling out a rabbit it is always me that gets my fingers bitten in half as the rabbits always like the last snap lol.

but short is good as he can get under fences , trees and brambles so all in all i guess were the perfect ferreting pair.


a decent bag, a good lads day out and homemade quiches and pies for tea of the missus when i got in what more can a man want


happy hunting guys atb andy

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