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Yes Marv unfortunately..it's not a serious problem though but i'm led to believe if it's happened once it will happen again..and it can cause problem later on in life..

I have never had it happen to me before so i fooked if i know weather it will bother the dog while working or not

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The main thing to do when they have a phantom pregnancy and they start nest making is to break it up and make them uncomfortable,and take anything that they might be using as a surrogate baby away from them,my old Terrier RIP used to get them regular and it is a right pain,but I don't think there is a definitive way to rectify it.....sorry but that is all I know as that worked for me.



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Phantom pregnancies will predispose the bitch to pyometras when she gets older (infection of the womb). Only realy way to stop them is to have her spayed well out of season and once she's over the phantom. If you spay her during a phantom any mammary development may be permanent. Only risk I can see from running her would be that any mammary injuries would bvleed lots due to increase blood vessel development. Galastop can be used (can get from the vet) to end the phantom quicker but ultimately you have to wait it out! Bite the bullet and get her spayed before her next season!!!!

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I have some Galastop Alfie.. :thumbs: ..i don't want to get her spayed just yet but i will in the future if need be..my main concern was running her and with her producing milk i was wondering weather it would effect her hormone balance and in turn her running.. ;)

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Galastop is a diuretic: it can dehydrate a bitch. It is an outmoded method of drying up milk, and can really take it out of a bitch, and IMO has no place in sensible animal welfare. Working a bitch hard when she is already dehydrated is a recipe for potential disaster. If a bitch is milked up it is much better to use something safe such as Urtica Urens 3c available from: http://www.dorwest.c...E--100-pillules


But it's not only the milk that causes a problem: ligaments slacken, muscles, soften and fat builds up round the heart and other internal organs> bitches shouldn't be run hard in that state as they are far more likely to suffer from muscles tears and joint damage in this condition: its like running a really unfit dog when they're like this.


Many bitches stay in this state for anything up to 3 months from the end of their season. If you know how your bitch's muscles feel when she's fit, you'll see a huge difference in the spring and tension of the muscle tissue when they are in the middle of a phantom pregnancy. It pays to handle your dog daily and really try to observe how she looks and feels like at the different hormonal stages of her cycle.

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Cheer's for that Penny it's a first for me as i have only ever ran one other bitch and the rest have been dog's..i think i will ease of on the lamping for now just to be on the safe side till the problem clear's up.. :victory:

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One other thing Penny could it be a false pregnacy or just milk production as the bitch is not doing anything out of the ordinary like nesting or carrying toy's around which is what they are supposed to do from what i have read.. :hmm:

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Millet: they don't all turn into bags of flab, but most of mine do. With some its a matter of degrees, but I can see that their performance ain't what it should be when they're soft, so I don't run them on the lamp at all when they're like that. Daily mooching, bit of bike work, but nothing over strenuous: the fitter you keep a bitch when she's like this, the more quickly she'll bounce back once she's over the hormonal softness: lamping is full of hard twists and turns when the dog can't see where it is putting its feet like it can in the day time.

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One other thing Penny could it be a false pregnacy or just milk production as the bitch is not doing anything out of the ordinary like nesting or carrying toy's around which is what they are supposed to do from what i have read.. :hmm:


Most don't do the nesting thing: mine never do. A true false pregnancy is when the bitch truly thinks she is in whelp: in my experience, more likely if she has been mated but hasn't taken. It is completely normal for bitches to go soft, mammary glands swell up after a season. It's a hangover from the wild pack animal where bitches all cycle together, but only the dominant female usually gets mated. The subordinate females have a phantom, and it has been known for these females to suckle the young of the dominant female if she has no milk or dies for some reason. That's the general consensus of opinion at any rate. Makes sense to me. I've had bitches come full into milk and try to get into the pups of a bitch that has given birth, and they haven't even had a season. It's the whole pack thing about trying to keep the pack alive and well: all for one and one for all.

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