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12 Litre 300 Bar Bottle Refill Prices Please

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Let me know how you get on buddy , i will definatley be saying something if their ripping folk off ........



Hi Buster


I gave them a call this morning he did'nt know who it was, now he's saying £5.50 for a refill but its still £44 for a test.

When i took my bottle in for the test and he told me the price, i said thats to much i thought it would be around £15 he replied no we charge that for a refill.

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Hiye Ramcam, As buster said theres the dive shop on the Stourbridge centre ring road, Google diving shops in the Midlands and theres plenty about within reach.


The Stourbrige one charges about £4.50 for a 12 Litre 300 bar bottle refill. A tip here is just to have it filled when it drops below the pressure you use in your gun.


sounds saft but some shooters empty their bottles of air ? and the refill takes much longer and p+ss~s off the shop owner who charge more for filling it up. Anyone


hoping to go to Shropdive in Jackfield tomorow? dont go hese closed for another week and half.

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Just a word of advice if I may. NEVER empty a cylinder of air! It can potentially allow moisture into the tank which will corrode and pit your cylinder. Leading to a fail when it's tested and you being handed back a tank in two halves along with your valve!!


Never had any issue when getting a cylinder refilled regarding the amount of air in it.

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We better find elsewhere then buddy


You're right there Buster thats the last time for me. :thumbs:



Me too buddy . I`ll go in when i need a fill , just to find out what`s what , but will be looking to find a new place . If i do , you`ll be the first to know . :thumbs:

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Hiya fellers, heres a couple of refill centres,------ Gryphon Watersports, Watling Street, (OLD A5) Cannock. post code--WS11.


The Dive Shop, Millrace Lane, Stourbridge. post code----DY8 1JN. Phone no--01384 443535.


If coming from Wolverhampton as you hit the ring road Millrace Lane is the first left turn from your entry point.


miss it and your then stuck for a complete one way drive around the town centre!. :yes:

Edited by Tron
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