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Dogs Throwing themselves

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Reason for this question is couple of nights ago my pup hit the hedge really hard and fast after a rabbit,he ran behind a big oak tree and out of sight and I heard a thud and he didnt come out for what fell like a minute but when he did he ran the next rabbit fine a caught it no probs and has no visible marks and seems fine. First time he's done this he's normally very sensible but it was a long night and was the last field from the motor.not a nice sound and my heart sunk doesn't matter how hard you are!

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any dog that hits a edge 100 mph is not going to last very long i like a dog to go to the edge but use its head a clever dog will catch you more in the long run as it will still be putting bunnies in

I get what folk are saying, dogs smashing dykes and injuring themselfs are nightmare..   Dogs pulling up or wont run a rabbit sat tight on a hedge are a pain.. A decent dog will follow its game but

Dogs smashing into hedges for rabbits is waste of time   Wont catch many when its laid up or worst burried with a broken neck...   Got a dog hear nearly 4 thats done fook all really,because it ca

If your dogs catching more rabbits by hitting hedges hard then you have to look at your dogs running ability .No rabbit is worth a dog losing its life .After all there going be more in the next field. Dont mind a dog going into hedge but like dog that slows up then entrys the hedge.Dogs that just going flat out are more in the pen injured then they are out working.

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So are people saying, if your dog smashes a hedge it's no good or you wouldn't want such a dog? And if it does what can you do about it?

In my opinion if ye dog doesn't follow in with heart, it doesn't want it that much.

that would be the way i see it,

im sure a lot of folk will say they prefare a dog that uses its brain, i dont see it that way, a mutt that hunts with all its heart has a trait that i will always admire in any animal,

i ran a half bred terrier bitch for years and know in all honestly she was one of the slowest mutts i ever ran, but she had a knack of been able to hit the hedge , very rarely picked up a rabbit on the run but had an ability to use the hedge to her advantage plus zero injuries maybe i was lucky or maybe she just knew what she was doing, seems some folk think a mutt who hits the hedge is just a lunatic, dogs can learn to adapt to conditions with what traits they've been given,

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So are people saying, if your dog smashes a hedge it's no good or you wouldn't want such a dog? And if it does what can you do about it?

In my opinion if ye dog doesn't follow in with heart, it doesn't want it that much.

No one saying that what people are saying that everyone wants there dog to entry a hedge after a rabbit but its the way it entry's it slow and safe for me rather then full on and stupid.
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So are people saying, if your dog smashes a hedge it's no good or you wouldn't want such a dog? And if it does what can you do about it?

In my opinion if ye dog doesn't follow in with heart, it doesn't want it that much.

No one saying that what people are saying that everyone wants there dog to entry a hedge after a rabbit but its the way it entry's it slow and safe for me rather then full on and stupid.

Personally id expect a dog,after a short amount of experience,to learn to work the hedge without running at pace into it,a dog that never learns is a liability.Only at the weekend a mates Whippet type ran into the hedge and returned with 2 Blackthorn spikes embedded less than 1/4inch from its eye,a very lucky jukel this time.Certain owners are more interested in a dog that smashes into cover,the catch is irrelevant to them,as long as the dog is brave and reckless thats all they seek in a mutt.
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So are people saying, if your dog smashes a hedge it's no good or you wouldn't want such a dog? And if it does what can you do about it?

In my opinion if ye dog doesn't follow in with heart, it doesn't want it that much.

No one saying that what people are saying that everyone wants there dog to entry a hedge after a rabbit but its the way it entry's it slow and safe for me rather then full on and stupid.

and thats the problem right there, an experienced dog who's knows how the work the hedge to its advantage is stupid,

it may not be beautiful and might not win any awards for style but its very effective , how you can comment on a dog you haven't seen use it and use it well i dont know, results are all that matter, when did we start having a go at dogs because they dont catch beautifully,

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A dog that anit good in or around cover round me wont catch much, Another thing i hate is a dog pulling at a fence while quarry is over/under it running off into the sun set/Or on the lamp

A dog that catchs most off it catches in the hedge on the lamp is not that good off a running dog if you as me.A lamping dog job is to keep the rabbit out off the hedge and push it back into the field imo.AND a dog jumping fence after a rabbit in patch black is just maddness
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Iv got one here thats a hedge smasher, He's like a terrier in a hedge (Iam not talking reckless here) just a good hedge dog, And theres people on here thats see him on lamp will tell you the same,


Theres rabbits that i can slip him on you just wouldnt slip your lamper on and well over half the time he'll come out will his prize, And until i owned him i thought the same why have a lame dog for a rabbit or anything eles for that matter, But a good uns a good un i like his ways and i hope/wish all my others will follow him in his ways......

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If your dogs catching more rabbits by hitting hedges hard then you have to look at your dogs running ability .No rabbit is worth a dog losing its life .After all there going be more in the next field. Dont mind a dog going into hedge but like dog that slows up then entrys the hedge.Dogs that just going flat out are more in the pen injured then they are out working.

you must hunt hedgehogs , any dog i owned that pulled up ( slowed down ) at a hedge ,ditch ( pre ban) would not have been in my yard to long , :thumbs:
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If your dogs catching more rabbits by hitting hedges hard then you have to look at your dogs running ability .No rabbit is worth a dog losing its life .After all there going be more in the next field. Dont mind a dog going into hedge but like dog that slows up then entrys the hedge.Dogs that just going flat out are more in the pen injured then they are out working.

you must hunt hedgehogs , any dog i owned that pulled up ( slowed down ) at a hedge ,ditch ( pre ban) would not have been in my yard to long , :thumbs:

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