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Dogs Throwing themselves

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any dog that hits a edge 100 mph is not going to last very long i like a dog to go to the edge but use its head a clever dog will catch you more in the long run as it will still be putting bunnies in

I get what folk are saying, dogs smashing dykes and injuring themselfs are nightmare..   Dogs pulling up or wont run a rabbit sat tight on a hedge are a pain.. A decent dog will follow its game but

Dogs smashing into hedges for rabbits is waste of time   Wont catch many when its laid up or worst burried with a broken neck...   Got a dog hear nearly 4 thats done fook all really,because it ca

Dogs smashing into hedges for rabbits is waste of time :yes:


Wont catch many when its laid up or worst burried with a broken neck...


Got a dog hear nearly 4 thats done fook all really,because it cant stay injury free and its got shares in the local vets.. Clever dogs catch more rabbits putting pressure on and back of at the right times..


I dont want a dog to pull up at a hedge and I want it to work rabbits up and down a hedge, but I cant see the point in the dog steaming into hedge :blink:

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any dog that hits a edge 100 mph is not going to last very long i like a dog to go to the edge but use its head a clever dog will catch you more in the long run as it will still be putting bunnies in the bag long after the edge hitter is in the ground atb troter


Sorry mate but disagree with you there. A dog that gives 100% is allways gonna run the risk of not reaching retirement. Thats allpart of the game. Dogs that are not afraid of cover are supior to dogs that wont face it. End of. Its all upto personal choice but i dont go lamping to lose rabbits that have reached cover. ATB

you must of lost a good few dogs then mate a dog thats clever and knows its job will give 100% but not kill its self its no good with a hedge smasher and losing it to a hedge i dont go lamping to lose a dog i go to catch rabbits atb
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any dog that hits a edge 100 mph is not going to last very long i like a dog to go to the edge but use its head a clever dog will catch you more in the long run as it will still be putting bunnies in the bag long after the edge hitter is in the ground atb troter


Sorry mate but disagree with you there. A dog that gives 100% is allways gonna run the risk of not reaching retirement. Thats allpart of the game. Dogs that are not afraid of cover are supior to dogs that wont face it. End of. Its all upto personal choice but i dont go lamping to lose rabbits that have reached cover. ATB

you must of lost a good few dogs then mate a dog thats clever and knows its job will give 100% but not kill its self its no good with a hedge smasher and losing it to a hedge i dont go lamping to lose a dog i go to catch rabbits atb


Never lost a dog while out lamping mate. Everytime you slip your dog theres a risk ive had clever dogs that will pull up at hedges and ive had dogs like i have at the minute who love hitting cover and working it. I know what i prefer and this dog has filled my freezer with muntjac because of his atitude to bramble/hedges. ATB

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any dog that hits a edge 100 mph is not going to last very long i like a dog to go to the edge but use its head a clever dog will catch you more in the long run as it will still be putting bunnies in the bag long after the edge hitter is in the ground atb troter


Sorry mate but disagree with you there. A dog that gives 100% is allways gonna run the risk of not reaching retirement. Thats allpart of the game. Dogs that are not afraid of cover are supior to dogs that wont face it. End of. Its all upto personal choice but i dont go lamping to lose rabbits that have reached cover. ATB

you must of lost a good few dogs then mate a dog thats clever and knows its job will give 100% but not kill its self its no good with a hedge smasher and losing it to a hedge i dont go lamping to lose a dog i go to catch rabbits atb


Never lost a dog while out lamping mate. Everytime you slip your dog theres a risk ive had clever dogs that will pull up at hedges and ive had dogs like i have at the minute who love hitting cover and working it. I know what i prefer and this dog has filled my freezer with muntjac because of his atitude to bramble/hedges. ATB

i know you could lose a dog at any time and you have been a lucky chap up to now not talking about a dog that pulls up talking a dog that knows its job a dog that smashes in to a hedge is not going to live long is it?? atb
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A good lamp dog doesn't pull up at the hedge IMO, there is alot of rabbits to be caught in the hedge bottom. two runs last night, both rabbits caught after being pushed from the hedge bottom during the run. :yes:

Edited to add, A nutty dog throwing itself into a hedge at full speed is pretty undesirable and a accident waiting to happen.

agree a steady dog that stick well on a hedge will catch as twice asmuch as the dog that crashes coz itl kill itself
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Any body lost a dog from this?

Had i dog about 15 years ago that crashed full pelt in to fences , hedges etc he cought a few extra rabbits and other things coz of it , but when he was about 3 years old prob in his peak he chased a fox on the lamp with my other dog and crashed into a strainer post when my other dog pulled up he died almost instantly Where as my other dog went on to catch many more fox and other things , for me a few extra kills on the night does not make up for the short life of my dog !
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any dog that hits a edge 100 mph is not going to last very long i like a dog to go to the edge but use its head a clever dog will catch you more in the long run as it will still be putting bunnies in the bag long after the edge hitter is in the ground atb troter


Sorry mate but disagree with you there. A dog that gives 100% is allways gonna run the risk of not reaching retirement. Thats allpart of the game. Dogs that are not afraid of cover are supior to dogs that wont face it. End of. Its all upto personal choice but i dont go lamping to lose rabbits that have reached cover. ATB

you must of lost a good few dogs then mate a dog thats clever and knows its job will give 100% but not kill its self its no good with a hedge smasher and losing it to a hedge i dont go lamping to lose a dog i go to catch rabbits atb


Never lost a dog while out lamping mate. Everytime you slip your dog theres a risk ive had clever dogs that will pull up at hedges and ive had dogs like i have at the minute who love hitting cover and working it. I know what i prefer and this dog has filled my freezer with muntjac because of his atitude to bramble/hedges. ATB

i know you could lose a dog at any time and you have been a lucky chap up to now not talking about a dog that pulls up talking a dog that knows its job a dog that smashes in to a hedge is not going to live long is it?? atb

Horses for courses really mate maybe i have been lucky my old bull/deerhound/greyhound used to hit hedges and bramble like a frieght train she used to catch more than the lurchers and the only extra injury she got was from irate munties and the odd cut. And she lived long enough to retire. The way i look at it you risk your dog for a rabbit EVERY time you slip and although none of us want our dogs to get hurt unnescarily You cant wrap dogs in cotton wool and each style has a place. A fair bit of my land is old airfields with bits of gorse and bramble dotted whilly nilly. If your dog isnt willing to hit cover then you wont catch alot. A few seasons back me snd a lad off here were lamping it with saluki crosses and collie cross that used to pull up at cover and we were lucky if we had a couple in a night. Since lamping with my bull/grey who hits cover i normally take a few. Like i said all styles have there place.

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if it dont catch them before the hedge tough s**t better luck next time. why would you want a dog smashing into hedges :blink: accident waiting to happen you want a dog to apply pressure before it reaches cover turning the rabbit inside out running it up and down the hedge row until it makes its strike. in my opinion if a dog catches one once he has run into cover its more luck than a skilled lamping dog..

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