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A bit too wet

Guest Leveller

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Guest Leveller

Everything was pointing towards being a spot on night for a look out with the lamp so I invited Sirius up to join me. About 15 minutes before he arrived we had a horrendous downpour and unfortunately it did have an effect on how many rabbits were ontop, we still managed a few runs and came home with four but they weren't easy :victory:



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Yeh as Paulus said there's flooded field evrywhere, but at least you still got out and had a few runs.

funny ya should mention the flooded fields etc had the pup out on exercise last week and she was plucking drowned rabbs out a reed beds neva in my time come across this . atb bunnys.
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Travelling down the lanes in the motor to go lamping t'was like being in a fecking speed boat :laugh: :laugh: Perfect at 8pm, monsoon at 10 past. :blink:

It cleared for 20 minutes and the wind dropped, so any rabbits nutty enough to be out could hear us sploshing through the fields then it chucked it down twice as hard, I was wet as a otters fecking pocket I tell thee :blink::laugh:

It really was pointless carrying on, shame as I was sure we were on for the Ton with well over 17 farms cleared for lamping but you cant catch what isn't there in those conditions :yes:

It was the first time I have seen this little bitch of levs lamp, she's turning into a very had rabbiting bitch, maybe next time we can find more rabbits for her :laugh:


Cheers for the invite ;)

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Its always when you plan a good night out and have it all ready,that something goes wrong..then on the night you just wander out for a quick shine it turns out perfect for a good long shift... bloody Sods Law.

At least you were out lads..

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The few trip's i have been having have been the same and it's like wearing moon boot's by the time i get home..


Goodman i have not noticed a problem with the turning but what i have noticed is it's hard work for the dog's running on something that ressemble's quick sand..

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Guest Leveller

It was the first time I have seen this little bitch of levs lamp, she's turning into a very had rabbiting bitch, maybe next time we can find more rabbits for her


"very had" auto correct gone wrong did you mean BAD? :laugh: :laugh:

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I am still waiting for my invite.....well that's a lie actually, I have had the invite but I think he is brushing up on his London "gangsta" lingo before he nails on a date.

Shame cause there's a tidy little pub just up from the travelodge near you fanny head and the food is spot on!!.........the mud won't worry my dog, he will be blinged up in his Nikey trainers!!!!


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