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Procter mole trap

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  On 17/10/2012 at 18:47, earth-thrower said:

Hello, do any molemen on here use the barrel trap from procter?just wondered if they are any good,or how they compare to other makes.


yes i use them ,, they only six miles from me ,and can say i rate them above the rest.. i keep pluggin them as they really do not need any tuneing at all ,work straight from the box etc,and get big discounts if your a mole catcher etc... get one from amazon if your unsure,, but as far as tunnel traps go they out shine the others for me .

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When Proctor first 'improved' their mole trap they brought it along to Pestech to show everyone.


I had a good look, and to be honest, the barrel is thin and the trap was incapable of having one side set off without the other going off too. Not that much of an issue if you like mucking around with pliers, but as the representative from Proctor was busy telling me that they didn't need any adjustment, it said alot for their quality.


When I pointed out that they weren't very good, the rep said; "what do you expect, everyone has been playing with that trap today". He then proceeded to get a new trap out of a box and it was exactly the same...............


Now I understand that some folks buy on price - I suppose there is nothing wrong with that, but for me, with upto 200 traps in the ground at any one time, I want a trap that doesn't need lots of tweaking to make it work well, and that is going to last years, not days.


If you want decent traps then either buy the ones made by Bethel Rhodes, which need slight modification, but are made in Britain and last a long time, or Flat Pack which are capable of catching straight out of the box.


Cheap shit? You can keep it. I'm happy to pay a fair price for a good product. That's why I don't use Proctor traps.

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All my traps when fired blind will double fire and that's how i like them. When in the ground and triggered by a mole i very rarely get a double fire. But i don't get to many filled traps either wonder why that could be????????????????????????????

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I think the problem with trigger sensitivity is that it's not easy to mass produce traps that have 100% consistent trigger sensitivity. The manufacturer has to decide how sensitive to make them, and if they err on the side of making them a little more sensitive, some individual traps may fire on their own, and that's a big problem for the manufactures, as they're going to get complaints and returns, which are a huge hassle. If they go the other way and make the triggers less sensitive, that may may make the traps less effective right out of the box, but at least they don't get returns for "defective" traps that fire on their own.

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And i would also say that from the point of view of someone who traps moles for a living, I think it's great that the traps are shipped with triggers that are so insensitive as to make the traps not work well right out of the box. That is exactly the case with the out-o-sight mole traps that i used to use in my service business. They just didn't work out of the box, and most homeowners and gardners aren't going to figure out how to tune them to make them work, which creates a situation where they need to hire a professional mole man who knows what he's doing. If homeowners and gardeners could have used those traps effectively, that would have cut into my business some.


But the incentive of a trap manufacturer should be to ship a product that works right out of the box, and many don't.

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