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Any wine connoisseurs on here?

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Had a nice 94 buckfast once

A very good year on that distinctive Tonic wine if i may add. Did you drink it from the complementary brown paper back?....... :D


Sorry Lab, you must have read the title wrong. I asked for wine connoisseurs, not winos. :laugh:

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Had a nice 94 buckfast once

A very good year on that distinctive Tonic wine if i may add. Did you drink it from the complementary brown paper back?....... :D


Sorry Lab, you must have read the title wrong. I asked for wine connoisseurs, not winos. :laugh:

Excccccccccccccccuuuuuuuuuuuussseeeeee me!!! I have drank the finest wines from the most exclusive parts of the world thank you very much!!!





























What a load of shite......... :laugh:

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Had a nice 94 buckfast once

A very good year on that distinctive Tonic wine if i may add. Did you drink it from the complementary brown paper back?....... :D


Sorry Lab, you must have read the title wrong. I asked for wine connoisseurs, not winos. :laugh:

Excccccccccccccccuuuuuuuuuuuussseeeeee me!!! I have drank the finest wines from the most exclusive parts of the world thank you very much!!!





























What a load of shite......... :laugh:


Do they do plastic screw-top bottles with labels saying "Finest wine from the most exclusive parts of the world" 3 for £1 in Lidl then? :laugh:

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Here we have the finest bottle of wine on the market. Also comes in half bottles for ladies for slipping into there handbags. A screwtop for easy access and no chance of this exclusive wine being 'corked'. Made by Monks in the Abbey and has been drunk now for years by the elite. Also known as a bottle of "Whatthefuckareyoulookingat".......... :thumbs:


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