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I've had a fair few foxes in my garden over the last month or so, so I have been cage trapping them. I had 7, then the 8th was a real nuisance to catch. It used to eat the bait through the bars of the cage but not go in. I place paving slabs round the end of the cage to stop this, and it then tried digging under the cage to get to it. Finally last Thursday it went in. A big old dog fox and I hoped that might be the end of it for a while.


Next day the garden still stank of fox, so I knew it wasn't the end.


Coincidentally we have just been upgrading the security on the house and installed CCTV.


I've been watching the footage for the last few nights and a fox has appeared at 02.27, 02.11 and 03.02 on the last 3 nights. Each time it stands at the end of the garden looking at the house, not moving for quite a while. Last night it sat there for 11 minutes, just looking at the house.


When it walked past the cage, it looks almost too big to fit in there.


Can foxes see infra red? I reckon it might be staring at the infra-red on the camera.

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It's generally accepted that Foxes can see infra red light, and having used different trail and other cameras for several years, I've little doubt that they do. They often look straight at the camera, or get spooked as soon as the light comes on, and sometimes are reluctant to enter the arc of light. When shooting with NV I've also noticed some will look straight at me as soon as the IR is switched on.

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