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When will they ever learn

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i am sure this situation happens every day of the week and has happened to us recently,but i wouldnt go mentioning certain places on a public forum....thats just me,i would rather confront these lads instead of highlighting it up on an internet forum again thats just my opinion..by all accounts they sound like a bunch of cnuts fecking off when confronted and on land they shouldnt but why mention areas when they are hot enough.

dezzy it was on the local radio all day yesterday and these lads have been confronted this last few years and now the guards are involved. put it this way any terrier or lurcher lads from the north going south will get pulled in now over these dicks

a few people stop the whole of ireland digging,......................everyones talking as if ireland is small lol

Englands alot bigger than ireland and look what happened over there because of a few people.

yes mate and them few people moved to ireland
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Its fcuking pricks like them that get other decent lads tarred with the same brush as them.Firstly if a person or persons has not got permission omn land then they should not be there and secondly if

i am sure this situation happens every day of the week and has happened to us recently,but i wouldnt go mentioning certain places on a public forum....thats just me,i would rather confront these lads

think your a bit naive in what your saying pal if you think the guards dont give a shit your mistaken sure was it not like that in the north a few years ago when it was only philpot that was the only

are you for real crying about boys hunting ground without permission, lets be honest if the antis get their way no-one will have permission then sure you will be hunting without permission yourself, as long as fences are kept right and livestock not bothered digs filled in right i cant see how you can complain about anyone hunting ground but mybe its just me, any the guards dont really give a shit think about it.

think your a bit naive in what your saying pal if you think the guards dont give a shit your mistaken sure was it not like that in the north a few years ago when it was only philpot that was the only one banging on about it and now the psni are stopping any vehicle with a dog trailer and if you have terriers and digging tools your in trouble with them. now the lads that were there on the saturday there has been trouble with them before as they ran hounds trough cattle and the cattle went trough a barbed wire fence and you think it is alright just to go on a farmers land without knocking on his door before hand to ask him could you hunt his land, but you would rather trespass and take a chance?

i think u have picked me up wrong buddy, any farmer has the right to refuse of course am more having a go at gun club lads there

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