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Bit of info needed before fao comes to inspect

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ive got my cabinet setup and ive just purchased my ammo safe today and im wondering if it has to be secured somewere diferent to were the cabinet is :hmm: .

The fao is coming next week and just need to make sure so hopefully someone will shed some light on this matter. cheers all :thumbs:

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my feo wasnt bothered about cartridges or where they would be kept, although i do have a van safe for laptops to lock them away in and he just replied... thats overkill could of been kept on wardrobe............... now with a 16yr old down to a 4 yr old i remember when i was young what i got upto hehe, good luck as down the line once feo is on my side il put in for a .17 also

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Got mine fixed next to cabinet and that was ok for cambs police.


Against seems weird that shotgun cartiridges don't need to be secure!! Just as dangerous as any rimfire ammo or centre fire. My FAO said you can keep them on the dining room table if I liked!!!! Didn't take that advice and keep mine in the safe.

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