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decoying magpies help

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hey guys was at work today and seen the owner of one of my old permissions from a few years ago. i asked her how the rabbits were doing and she said there all gone but she told me she has loads of magpies about..


was just thinking of best way to approach it.. its a few small fields with not much cover.. i was thinking get ghillied up and sit in a bush lol. i have one magpie decoy and 2 crows..


how would you guys tackle it? i could posssibly get a squirrel from my other permission to use as a 'bait' with the decoys. i have never used decoys before so any help or advice would be very appreciated.


thanks SKoT

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  On 16/10/2012 at 19:47, porkycrook said:

A magpie hates strangers in their area, so if you can shoot one and bring in then wait. Failing that a magpie decoy or anything dead they will come to.




ive heard stories about magpies from crew A being in the territory of Crew B having chavlike gangwars... lol

if i can nail one at permission 1 and take it to permission b and stick some wire into its head to use it as a decoy i should be ok..

going to don my ghille and keep well hidden.. but will crow decoys help or put them off?


like i said i have 2 plastic crows and 1 plastic magpie.. i see them together all the time everywhere, same with crows and woodys they seem to not mind eachother..

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  On 16/10/2012 at 20:16, Skot Ruthless Teale said:
  On 16/10/2012 at 19:47, porkycrook said:

A magpie hates strangers in their area, so if you can shoot one and bring in then wait. Failing that a magpie decoy or anything dead they will come to.




ive heard stories about magpies from crew A being in the territory of Crew B having chavlike gangwars... lol

if i can nail one at permission 1 and take it to permission b and stick some wire into its head to use it as a decoy i should be ok..

going to don my ghille and keep well hidden.. but will crow decoys help or put them off?


like i said i have 2 plastic crows and 1 plastic magpie.. i see them together all the time everywhere, same with crows and woodys they seem to not mind eachother..


Magpies form big flocks sometimes, the flock name for magpies is a murder, amongst other names :D

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  On 16/10/2012 at 19:45, bullseye123 said:

hi mate i have a perm with a magpie problem and it took me ages to nail it they are very clever i found that a couple of silver takeaway tins with chips in and a few magpie decoys worked best for me. dont forget mate keep hidden. atb andy


BEWARE of using shiney things as bait, it is ILLEGAL to deliberately do so :yes:


As The Dark One (Stealthy) said, a dead bunny with it's belly open will bring em in :yes:

The best thing is, Nail one and the rest of the Maggie Crew will go freaking mental!!!

They have been known to flock down and bring "Gifts" to their fallen Bretheran as a mark of respect or in the hope of reviving them. :yes:

While they are doing so you can pop em off to your hearts content :laugh:

Another trick that Steve Price uses to great effect is to get a Squizzer, plant it out in your Kill Zone, place some very thin fishing line or cotton around its tail and give it a tug to make it look like it's dying and not dead. Maggies just love a fresh meal and there aint nothing fresher than a Squizzer thats on the deck with a twitching tail. :thumbs:


Keep us informed Skot :yes:




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years back in my woods maggies used to chase me out, was a waste of time trying for the rabbit warrens as they always made to much noise, anyways an old timer told me a little a trick and that was get yourself well hidden, throw a carcass out so its in range then start rattling half a box of matches... obviously i was polite and thanked him for the advise but deep down thought * yeh like thats going to work *... anyways a few outings later on same perm and 3 maggies surrounded me yet again so no bunnies, by that time i was getting pretty tired of maggies and from another perm threw a slit open bunny down, hid in bushes so couldnt see from above,behind nor infront and i only had a peep hole, a few shakes of the matchbox and i heard them, kept rattling box and in they came, i laid up for 10-15 minutes and let them enjoy the carcass and then thwack one was gone, 2 flew off and no more than 20 minutes later and a few more shakes of the matchbox they came down to see there friend and a second later the second went..... by this time i was excited like a kid in a sweety shop.... waited over 4 hours and never ever got the 3rd one :hmm: then the next year it seemed like more was back so that perm for me was useless for bunnies but kind of fun for maggies.... all the best steve

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