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Corrupt police...advice police

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as i said in my post on the first page i had the same and i got a brief on it they sorted it out they had my mobile records to prove i had not used my phone that day i did not even had it with me it got threw out of court i got compo off them and a letter off the police saying how sorry they were they had made a mistake hope you get it sorted out atb

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So what exactly happened....???....they were behind you in their car and pulled you over and said they have video evidence of you using your phone whilst driving, when you said you haven't got no phon

Corrupt police......in England.....ive never heard such a ridiculous thing i dont believe you

One way to find a corrupt copper? Pick up the phone and phone your local station, doesn't matter who answers!

  On 18/10/2012 at 09:46, derbylad1 said:

Thanks for that mate....already spoken to orange to get an itemised bill. going to ring a solicitor today and see where i stand. i want it right so i get this f****d off. I can understand if the police made a mistake. but it was a way the they spoke to me and said i was the liar.


Your solicitor can request a traffic report from Orange. An itemised bill will only show outgoing traffic but Orange should be able to provide your solicitor with a full record of what traffic was going to and from your phone and to what cell mast. Even if your phone is idle and not in a comms session it still sends requests to the network for registration, updates and of course to receive signal. It is all traceable through the network and what is even better si that the police have the same access as well so if they do their jobs and get that information you may find it won't even get to court.

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you have nothiing to worry about at all mate,your network provider can prove this and when he said "youll have to explain to the court" hes going to have to explain his evidence in court too!! the smarmy twat! hope all goes well !

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