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more hassle for northern terrier men

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  On 16/10/2012 at 12:09, johnny 777 said:

I my option this a barbaric practise it does not effect the working ability of the dogs and should be banned completely

Anti alert !!


So What about spaniels and gundogs that crash through bramble all day long? If they had full tails they would be split and ripped to pieces, it saves loads of pain for the dog in the long run!

Terriers cant travel underground properly with full tails that grow curved up over the back. This results in broken tail, lots of pain and big vets bills.


I cant see the point docking non working dogs, but apart from what Ive mentioned there are hundreds of cases to support docking working dogs, for humane reasons. Theres nothing cruel about it! In fact it is quite the opposite.


Take Care

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Before you start typing let your empty brain engage you muppet!! I had to pet out the best spaniel I ever owned due to it having a un docked tail, I'd like to see you watch a dog of yours going out i

wind your neck in ya fanny

also hear theres a two year jail sentence for anyone caught docking tails , quite unreal when peados , rapists ,muggers what have ya, get a slap on the wrist more times than enough

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  On 16/10/2012 at 14:25, johnny 777 said:

If your spaniel was damaged going out of its mind fir days Did u not take it to the vets? Muppet


Haha iv had better come backs from a 5 year old or maybe I'm just over estimating your age, lol


You see when I was keepering all my vets bills were paid for by my boss, wether that be terriers lurchers spaniels or lab so trust me I wasn't shy on going to the vets, so what in your very imaginative mind do you think a vet did?? Well il tell you, not much, clean it, bandage it up, get it put on a course of antis, and a few weeks of kennel rest.. Now as soon as it goes back to work your back to square one, not mentioning it wagging it's tail off the kennel.. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it with what ever crazy shit your already on.

Now if you could take the time to explain why it's so wrong to dock a tail to prevent such damage, you'll no doubt not come up with any thing worth a toss, but it's the last you'll here from me as I take no pleasure in talking to someone that clearly has very little outdated I say no knowledge on the subject being discussed..

You weren't cercumsized as a kid were you, lol

Now go f*****g bury your head ya bam xx


Oh and just to answer your question, it effects there working ability exactly how I said earlier, ie it stops them working full stop, wether through not hunting through pain or humanitarian grounds from there owner having to pet out.

Edited by alimac
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  On 16/10/2012 at 15:14, johnny 777 said:

Alimac to answer ya question like I said before it does not hinder my dogs working ability. Any bodyelse have problems with tail injuries or is alimac the only one?

johnny boy, you seem to be the only one in 44 thousand site members that thinks this......

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  On 16/10/2012 at 15:17, Catcher 1 said:
  On 16/10/2012 at 15:14, johnny 777 said:

Alimac to answer ya question like I said before it does not hinder my dogs working ability. Any bodyelse have problems with tail injuries or is alimac the only one?


No one else reply.He may go away. :laugh:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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