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what a shame,

sorry 2hear mate , hope she does hav another proper season 4u ...Fingers crossed

Sorry to hear this, but we've just had a litter with our 8 year old bitch(with no problems),and we'd tried twice before with no luck,and she always had weird seasons.

Infact,she didn't have a season until she was gone 3 years old.

We put her on anti-biotics(a 7 day course) just before we mated her,as this is meant to stop any infections.

It may be an old wives tale, but it definately worked for us :thumbs:



Edited by sowhat
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Bloody hell mate, after all the turmoil you have had with the bitch you deserved some luck with these pups. :doh:


That is a real shame. Just how common is it for bitches to reabsorb pups during pregnancy?


Its generally much more likely in the early stages of pregnancy, it's just one of those things I am afraid.

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Sorry to hear this, but we've just had a litter with our 8 year old bitch(with no problems),and we'd tried twice before with no luck,and she always had weird seasons.

Infact,she didn't have a season until she was gone 3 years old.

We put her on anti-biotics(a 7 day course) just before we mated her,as this is meant to stop any infections.

It may be an old wives tale, but it definately worked for us :thumbs:



hi geoff this worked for us yrs ago the bitch jezzabelle had been mated to a few dogs with no puppies

so we got her at age of 8 put her on antibiotics before mating her and she delivered 7pups that was her first/last litter

so it does help atb

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