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Builders - More Questions About New Kennel Block!

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4" block work pointed right then painted will be fine no need to render. And there are loads of single skin garage's.

It might take more than a day, as there is a limit to how high they can build in one day, as the weight of the bricks pushes out the wet cement at the bottom. Again get a builder to give you a price.


more bloody fuss with this kennel than what was [bANNED TEXT] tha built ur house, ur just complicating things makeing it alot harder than it needs be! dug mine out salbbed it, put drainage in and blocked it in the time ur taking to ask all these daft obvious questions...


no offence mate but just crack on...ppl got there bight ideas most of them are just mind blowing!!!! its a kennel not a hotel!


Nowt wrong with asking questions and planning it out properly.


Mine will be better than yours when its finished :toast:

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If your not breaking into an existing manhole on the main run or putting a plastic manhole on the new conection i would run the new pipe diagonal from the base across to the existing run and then conect to the existing run with a Y rather than a T this would also do away with the 90 bend.

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must be if u have to take it to the hair dressers to make it better looking the ugly coont haha...only messing, GAR PULL UR FINGER OUT AND GET ON WITH THE KENNEL :thumbs:


I've been told now :-(


Just gonna have a few beers and do another drawing. Then think about starting :-) haha.

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If your not breaking into an existing manhole on the main run or putting a plastic manhole on the new conection i would run the new pipe diagonal from the base across to the existing run and then conect to the existing run with a Y rather than a T this would also do away with the 90 bend.


That's what I was planning to do mate. The Y piece is a good idea. Thanks.

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try and keep your drainmage pipe as straight as possible gareth, with as little bends and prefereably no corners in it until either the exit into the mains or at the very start, it will only slow the flow of solids and possibly cause you blockages in the long term. When you tap into the main sewer, try and configure it that the material running down your pipes enter the seawer pipes running with the flow ie the sit hits the flow of the sewers in the same direction lol.


Am looking forward to seeing your finished set up, nice to see someone goung about things with a bit of planning and thought.


One word of advice, if theres a certain product you need and can afford, and it will sort of do the job, or a product that will be a "one job and its done" sort of thing but its more expensive, and you cant quite afford it, save up a couple of weeks and get the better one, in a while you'll be glad you did,i.e with the roofing sheets.


All the best


Ok thanks for the advise mate. Appreciate that.


I don't actually plan to put solids down there but I will take your advise regardless.





try and keep your drainmage pipe as straight as possible gareth, with as little bends and prefereably no corners in it until either the exit into the mains or at the very start, it will only slow the flow of solids and possibly cause you blockages in the long term. When you tap into the main sewer, try and configure it that the material running down your pipes enter the seawer pipes running with the flow ie the sit hits the flow of the sewers in the same direction lol.


Am looking forward to seeing your finished set up, nice to see someone goung about things with a bit of planning and thought.


One word of advice, if theres a certain product you need and can afford, and it will sort of do the job, or a product that will be a "one job and its done" sort of thing but its more expensive, and you cant quite afford it, save up a couple of weeks and get the better one, in a while you'll be glad you did,i.e with the roofing sheets.


All the best


Ok thanks for the advise mate. Appreciate that.


I don't actually plan to put solids down there but I will take your advise regardless.






No point in going to all the trouble if your not going to put dog shite down it :no:

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try and keep your drainmage pipe as straight as possible gareth, with as little bends and prefereably no corners in it until either the exit into the mains or at the very start, it will only slow the flow of solids and possibly cause you blockages in the long term. When you tap into the main sewer, try and configure it that the material running down your pipes enter the seawer pipes running with the flow ie the sit hits the flow of the sewers in the same direction lol.


Am looking forward to seeing your finished set up, nice to see someone goung about things with a bit of planning and thought.


One word of advice, if theres a certain product you need and can afford, and it will sort of do the job, or a product that will be a "one job and its done" sort of thing but its more expensive, and you cant quite afford it, save up a couple of weeks and get the better one, in a while you'll be glad you did,i.e with the roofing sheets.


All the best


Ok thanks for the advise mate. Appreciate that.


I don't actually plan to put solids down there but I will take your advise regardless.





try and keep your drainmage pipe as straight as possible gareth, with as little bends and prefereably no corners in it until either the exit into the mains or at the very start, it will only slow the flow of solids and possibly cause you blockages in the long term. When you tap into the main sewer, try and configure it that the material running down your pipes enter the seawer pipes running with the flow ie the sit hits the flow of the sewers in the same direction lol.


Am looking forward to seeing your finished set up, nice to see someone goung about things with a bit of planning and thought.


One word of advice, if theres a certain product you need and can afford, and it will sort of do the job, or a product that will be a "one job and its done" sort of thing but its more expensive, and you cant quite afford it, save up a couple of weeks and get the better one, in a while you'll be glad you did,i.e with the roofing sheets.


All the best


Ok thanks for the advise mate. Appreciate that.


I don't actually plan to put solids down there but I will take your advise regardless.






No point in going to all the trouble if your not going to put dog shite down it :no:

Its surprising what can build up in a pipe over time hair, shreded paper etc.Best to keep runs straight and rodable if possible.Can save lots of agro in the future.
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